Chapter 15

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"I..your parents want to meet me?" Jungkook stammers, his eyes wide. You had both just finished getting ready for the day when you tell him the news.

You nod. "We're headed to New Jersey next week, right? Do you think we can make a short stop to New York before we leave?"

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook swallows thickly, mustering up a small smile. He's trying to hide it, but you can tell he's super nervous.

"Why do look so terrified?" You chuckle softly. "You've met dozens of celebrities, you've even been given a medal by the freaking president!" You exclaim.

"Yeah, but that's different." He whines. "Your parents don't care that I'm an idol. They want to know whether I'm taking good care of their daughter or not. I really want them to like me." He pouts.

"You are, and they will." You reassure him, caressing his cheek gently. "Now let's stop worrying about it and focus on having fun today."

It's your last day in California before you fly to Texas for the next stop on the tour. You have a free day to just enjoy the beautiful city and the eight of you are planning to spend it in one of the most magical places in the world; Disneyland.

He nods and once you're sure that you have everything you need, you head downstairs to the lobby where everyone is waiting.

During the ride there, you can feel your excitement building. You haven't been to Disneyland since you were a kid, so you don't remember much. However, you know that today will be something you will never forget.

As you enter the park, you gasp when you see the various attractions as well as the Disney characters roaming around the park. You haven't been this excited in a while, you truly are a kid at heart.

"Babe, look!" Jungkook gasps, pointing further in the park.

You follow his gaze to a huge rollercoaster ahead of you. There are two very steep drops and it even goes upside down. From here, you can hear the screams of the people on the ride as they whizz past. "Awesome.." You mutter excitedly. Then you turn back to the rest of the group. "Who's coming?"

Everyone backs up, shaking their heads except for Taehyung and Hoseok. "We'll meet you by Minnie Mouse when we're done!" Jungkook calls out before grabbing your hand and pulling you along.

The four of you wait in line for the dangerous looking rollercoaster. "Hobi, are you okay?" You ask the man whose face appears to be slightly pale as he looks up at the large metal structure.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The man reassures you, mustering up a small smile.

He looks scared out of his mind, but you don't blame him. This ride does not seem to be for the faint of heart. Truth be told, you're a little scared as well but the excitement outweighs it.

Before you know it, you're getting into your seat and strapping yourself in securely. Your heart begins to pound in your chest as the worker comes around, checking to make sure that no one is going to fly off of the ride.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook grins excitedly from next to you.

"I think so- oh shit." You swear as the ride suddenly starts moving.

"We're going to die!" Hoseok shouts.

The cart climbs up and up the steep slope, approaching the first drop. You feel that sharp pang of fear in your stomach. Maybe this wasn't the best ride to go on first..

The ride stops at the top, making you tighten your grip on the handle bar. "Jungkook if we die, I want you to know that I'm the one who ate the rest of your chips yesterday." You blurt out.

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