Chapter 23

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"Oh my god, this is giving me flashbacks to when we first met." You scoff lightly, shaking your head with a small smile as you slip on your gloves.

"Remember how shy and awkward you were around me?" Jungkook grins, settling in your client chair.

"Please don't remind me." You groan, recalling just how starstruck you were when meeting your favorite idol. You managed to embarrass yourself more times than you thought was physically possible in one day.

"It was cute though." Your soulmate reassures you.

"If you say so.." You hum, grabbing your tattoo gun.

The stencil of Jungkook's new tattoo is already done, you were just taking a small break before getting ready to actually tattoo it onto his skin. It's the design that you had been working on since the day the two of you confessed to each other during the fireworks show at Disneyland.

You thought Jungkook had been joking when he suggested that you get matching tattoos of it, but he has mentioned it several more times after tour ended. So you decided, well, why not?

"You look hot when you're working."

"Shut up."

Jungkook bursts out into laughter, making you pull away from his forearm with a small chuckle. "Stop moving, you're going to make me mess up." You whine, trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He clears his throat before taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

But once the two of you make eye contact, he start giggling once again. "Jungkook.." You give him a stern look.

"Okay, I'll stop. I'm serious this time." He straightens up in his chair.

You look at him for a moment longer before grabbing his wrist once again. Just as you press the needle to his skin, your phone buzzes in your pocket.

You sigh, turning the machine off and setting it to the side. "Who's calling me?" You mumble, pulling your phone out of your pocket.

You furrow your eyebrows when you see that it's Jimin. Why would he be calling you? You shrug, answering the call. "Hello?"

"Hey Skye, are you busy right now?"

"Uh, kind of." You glance at Jungkook. "Why?"

"I wanted to know if you could squeeze me in for a tattoo any time soon. But if you're busy right now, I can call back later.."

"Oh, actually the shop is closed today but I'm here doing one for Jungkook." You're about to tell Jimin that you can't today but then you get an even better idea. "Sora is supposed to swing by in a few hours to help me with something and I'm sure she wouldn't mind doing a tat for you since she's a big fan of yours. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure that would be great!" Jimin quickly agrees.

Sora was actually coming in to do the other half of your design on your arm, but now she'll get to spend a few hours doing a tattoo on her bias. She will have to thank you for this later.

"Okay, I'll let her know."

"Thanks Skye, I'll see you later."

"Bye!" You chirp before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"Jimin, he said he wanted to get something done and I told him he could just come today."

"Ah, I do remember hyung saying something about wanting to get another tattoo but he was too busy at the time." He recalls. "Who's doing it, you?"

You shake your head, a sly smirk forming on your lips. "Sora. She's going to freak out when I tell her."

"Is hyung her bias or something?" Jungkook asks and you nod. "Wow, you're a good best friend."

"I know." You grin smugly, picking up your phone once again so you can text her the good news.

you should come in a little early


cuz ur doing a tattoo for THE park jimin

..what 😳
don't joke like that, it isn't funny :(

i'm being 100% serious
i told him that ur a big fan and would love to do some work for him
and he agreed


love you too :)

Around an hour later, you're still working on Jungkook when Sora arrives. "Hey guys!" She smiles, poking her head in the room.

After all these years, you feel like you know Sora better than you know yourself. So although she is trying to keep her composure, you can tell that she is freaking out internally right now. "Um, do you know when Jimin is getting here?" She asks, chewing on her bottom lip. It's something she does when she's really nervous.

"He said he's on his way, he should be here in like ten minutes."

"Ten minutes!" Her eyes widen comically. "Oh god, I have to get everything ready!" She quickly scurries away, closing the door behind her.

You simply shake your head with a small smile.

You know when Jimin arrives because he greets the two of you, staying to talk for a little bit before walking off to find Sora. At this point, you're nearly done with Jungkook's tattoo.

The parlor is quiet as you continue to work, Jungkook surprisingly being well behaved and not trying to distract you. But then you hear a loud scream that makes you jump.

"What the hell was that?" You quickly turn off the machine and stand up, having recognized the voice as Sora's.

Jungkook shrugs, wide eyed.

"I'll go check on them." You exit your room and head over to Sora's, which is eerily quiet. Pushing open the door, you're met with an unexpected scene.

Jimin is standing up, holding an unconscious Sora in his arms. He seems to be in shock, his eyes wide as he tries to hold her up as best as he can. From their positions, it looks like Sora suddenly fainted and fell forward on him.

At the same time that Jimin notices your presence, your eyes lock in on something on Sora's wrist. Her soulmate heart is a bright red color.

When you put the pieces together in your head, a small smile forms on your lips. "I always thought you two would look cute together."

A/N: the end! thank you to everyone who has been patient with me when it comes to this book, i really hope it was worth the wait. epilogue coming soon!

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