Chapter 24 {Epilogue}

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Arriving home before sunset on a workday is an rare occurrence for you. Yet, here you are.

Sora, Aisha and Wheein insisted that you leave early today. Actually, they quite literally shoved you out the front door and told you to go home. They were acting very strange, but the parlor was a bit slow today so you reluctantly agreed.

"I'm home!" You call out when you step through the door. You and Jungkook have been together for 4 years now and are very transparent about your schedules so you can find time to spend together. So you know he's supposed to be home today, but your call isn't met with answer.

"Jungkook?" You call again, stepping further into the apartment. It's eerily quiet. Hm, maybe he went out to the store or something.

You enter your bedroom and put your things down. He isn't here either, but there is something on the bed that wasn't here this morning.

You creep closer, taking a seat at the edge of the bed as you look at the card laying there. It looks homemade, as you can tell from Jungkook's handwriting.

The front of it is titled 10 Things I Love About You.

You smile softly, picking it up. You open it to see a full paragraph written on the inside.

1. Your smile. It lights up the whole room.

Actually, I bet you're smiling as you're reading this. I wish I was there to see it.

2. Your eyes. I love how expressive they are. I can always tell how you're feeling just from your eyes.

3. Your dedication. You put your whole heart into everything that you do.

4. Your sense of humor. You always make me laugh, whether it's intentional or not.

5. Your intelligence. Okay I'll admit it, you're smarter than me.

6. Your kindness. You're so nice to everyone you meet and I really admire that about you.

7. Your beauty. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on and after all these years, I still can't believe that you're mine.

8. Your supportive nature. You're always right beside me with everything that I do. My favorite partner in crime ;)

9. Your cuddles. You're always so warm and soft and that's why I love cuddling with you. I also love it when you play with my hair because it helps me fall asleep, especially when I'm stressed out about something.

10. Your heart. You have the biggest heart of anyone that I know. If someone needs your help, you'll go out of your way to do it.

Bonus: I love you because you have my heart and nothing will ever change that.

Your face feels warm now, flushed with happiness. But why all of this out of nowhere?

Your phone buzzes with a text and you pull it out of your pocket.

baby, make sure you check the back of the card after you read it ❤

Wow, perfect timing.

You flip the card over to see a sticky note on the back.

Meet me at Han River at 8. Wear something pretty :)

What the hell is he up to? Everyone's been acting super weird today, you can't help but feel like everything is connected in some way. You don't know what's going on, but hopefully you'll find out soon.

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