Chapter 16

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"Uh, are you sure I should come?" You ask reluctantly.

"Of course we want you to come!" Jin reassures you with a large smile.

"I don't know, I don't want to get in the way.." You mumble shyly.

"You won't be in the way, you can watch from off camera." Jungkook insists. "Please?" He pouts at you, giving you his signature puppy dog look that is guaranteed to get him whatever he wants.

You sigh. "Alright, if you're sure." You agree reluctantly.

"Yes!" Jungkook cheers. "It's settled then, let's go."

The boys have an interview today and you didn't want to get in the way, but they insisted that you come. So you pile into the van with them and make your way to the location.

As soon as you enter the building, you're immediately ushered to a large room with several cameras set up. A staff member brings you over to an area behind the camera where there are a few chairs. You watch as the boys get settled in their seats in front of the camera, attaching the little microphones to their clothing.

Soon enough, the interviewer comes in and the camera starts rolling.

You watch on as he asks the boys several questions about their new album. He also asks questions that they get at almost every interview, such as what message they want to send to their fans and how their music manages to connect with people across the globe.

"I heard that one of you has found your soulmate. Who would that be?" He inquires, making everyone freeze in their seats.

"Me.." Jungkook mumbles, raising his hand shyly.

"Tell me what that's like!" The interviewer smiles. "Did you have trouble making things work with your different lifestyles?"

Jungkook listens to the interviewer intently, nodding his head. To your surprise, he doesn't seem nervous at all. Almost as if he was prepared for them to ask him something like this.

"A tattoo artist and an idol definitely sounds like an odd pair, for sure." Jungkook chuckles. "We often have to make sacrifices for each other in order to meet our needs but we're happy to do it. We care about each other a lot, so.." He trails off, shrugging his shoulders with a small smile.

The interviewer seems satisfied with that answer, asking them a few more questions before wrapping up the session.

"You handled that really well, Kookie." You smile as he approaches, throwing an arm around your shoulder.

After the interview, you watch them practice for a few hours. By the time they are finished, the sun is starting to set in the sky. Everyone heads up to their rooms, exhausted.

"What are you doing?" You ask Jungkook as he sits down at a small table in the corner of your hotel room. Normally after a long day, he would take a shower and then come cuddle with you.

"I'm doing a V-Live." He explains, setting up his phone in front of him.

You shrug, going back to what you were doing on your phone. You make sure to stay quiet though, especially when he starts talking, because you don't want to interrupt him. Jungkook doesn't do lives often so you don't want to ruin this precious moment.

"Skye." Jungkook calls out, but you don't hear him because you are too wrapped up in the game you are playing.

"Babe!" He calls a bit louder, finally making you look up.

"Huh?" You give him a blank stare.

He smiles at your confused expression. "ARMYs are asking for you."

"T-they are?" You stammer, blinking rapidly.

"Mhm." He hums softly. "Come here."

You look down at yourself, suddenly self conscious of your attire. One of Jungkook's huge hoodies is covering your body, falling almost to your knees. This will have to do, you suppose.

You climb off the bed, slowly approaching Jungkook where he is sitting in front of the camera. He grins, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer. He eases you down into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Uh, hi." You smile sheepishly at the camera, raising your hand to wave awkwardly.

Jungkook chuckles at your shyness. "Do you guys have any questions about her or just about us in general?" He asks, directing his words towards the fans.

By asking this question, you know that Jungkook is opening a can of worms. Hopefully, the questions they ask are appropriate and respectful.

Jungkook rolls the chair closer to the camera to read the questions as they roll in. The comment section is moving at lightning fast speed, you don't even know how he's reading anything.

"She's so pretty..." He mumbles, reading one of the many comments. "I agree." He responds, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"Next it true that you're a tattoo artist? Why don't you answer this one?" Jungkook turns to you expectantly.

"Yes, it's very much true." You smile. "I'm the co-owner of S & S in Seoul. In fact.." You grab Jungkook's tattooed arm, holding it up to the camera. "..I'm the one who did Jungkook's tattoos. That's how we met."

It's a little strange to be talking to a camera, but having Jungkook here definitely helps.

"Yes, she's very talented." Jungkook nods, making your cheeks get warm.

You still get shy when people compliment your work. It's something you're very passionate about so when people give you compliments on it, it makes you super happy.

You answer a few more questions from ARMYs before you are stifling a yawn. Jungkook gets the hint and begins to wrap up the live. "We have to go now but we were so happy to be able to spend this time with you. I can't wait to see some of you at the concert tomorrow. ARMY, I love you. Bye!" He smiles. The both of you wave at the camera before he ends the live.

"That was scary, but also really fun." You smile, leaning back against Jungkook's chest.

"You were pretty good at that, I think they really like you."

"I hope so." Then a yawn escapes from your lips.

"Tired?" Jungkook asks, gently kissing your cheek.

You nod, letting out a soft sigh as your eyes flutter closed.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" He chuckles.

"Maybe.." You hum.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed." He says softly, his arms still around your waist as he stands up. Then Jungkook picks you up bridal style, carrying you to bed.

You snuggle into the warm covers as you hear him turn off the light, climbing in next to you. His arms loop around your waist, pulling you against his chest. "Goodnight." He murmurs. "I love you."

You smile softly. "I love you too."

You hear Jungkook sigh contently behind you and not too long after, you drift off to sleep.

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