Chapter 20

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A/N: surpriseee im back! sorry for abandoning this book for so long, ive been super busy with school and stuff. but my new year's resolution is to finish my uncompleted books so let's goooo


As Hoseok practices his solo song on stage, you watch Namjoon pace back and forth, his phone clutched tightly in his hands.

The cheery atmosphere created by the upbeat sounds of Ego contrasts greatly with the anxious look on the leader's face.

"Namjoon, are you alright?" You ask, approaching him.

When the man sees you coming his way, he stops pacing, plastering a pleasant smile on his face. "I'm fine, doing just great."

You give him a pointed look, knowing that he is lying through his teeth.

He sighs, dropping the facade. "Willow will be here in a few minutes and I'm just really nervous."

"Did you tell her about your job yet?"

Namjoon nods. "I don't think she believed me, though. It will probably hit her when she gets here." Just then, his phone buzzes. He quickly unlocks it, his eyes widening as he reads the message. "Oh god, she's here. I'll go get her."

He scurries off towards the exit of the large stadium, making you chuckle. Hoseok finishes his performance soon after that and everyone takes a small break.

You smile when Namjoon enters the room a few minutes later, hand in hand with his soulmate. She's just as beautiful as he described, if not more.

You wait for Namjoon to introduce her to the rest of the boys before introducing yourself. "I'm Skye, Jungkook's soulmate." You smile.

"I'm Willow, it's nice to meet you." Her voice is soft and delicate, but her British accent is strong.

You lead her over to where you were sitting before as the boys get back to practicing. She looks around at the stadium with wide eyes, taking it all in.

"This must be a lot for you to take in, huh?" You ask as she takes a seat next to you.

She nods, turning to you with a soft smile. "Yeah, I honestly didn't believe Namjoon when he told me about all of this. But I guess I have no choice now, do I?"

You chuckle. "It will definitely take you some time to get used to everything. I know it took me a while."

"Did you know who Jungkook was before you found out you were soulmates?"

You nod. "Actually, I've been a big fan of them for years."

She gasps. "No way! You must have been freaking out."

You nod, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, he's my bias too so when I realized, I almost couldn't believe it."

"What's a bias?" She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

That's when you remember that she knows absolutely nothing about BTS or even K-pop in general. "A bias is your favorite member in a group. You have a lot to learn, but I would be happy to teach you."

"I would like that." She grins.

"Oh wait, look!" You point to the stage, where Namjoon is getting ready to perform Persona. "This is going to be really cool, watch this."

You've seen the leader perform his solo song dozens of times on different stages all around the world. But this is his soulmate's first time seeing it, so you're excited to see how she will react.

She watches intently as the background track starts up and Namjoon begins rapping along. He's doing it so confidently, so passionately, as if Willow's presence doesn't bother him at all. If anything, you think it's pushing him to do better.

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