We're Almost There

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Luke's POV

The next morning I got up with one of the worst headaches known to man. I looked around the room and saw that Savy was sound asleep next to me wearing my shirt from last night and it was starting to ride up around her waist. I smirked to myself and sat up and put my head in my hands and started thinking about what all happened last night.

I can't believe I'm going out on tour with Kenny Chesney next year and I don't even have my first album out yet. I already know that it's going to be hard to leave Savy for how ever long it's going to be while I'm out on tour but I know it's all going to be worth it in the end because I get her for the rest of my life.

But I know that if we decide to have kids in this crazy career I'm shooting for it's going to be hard on the both of us but with the way we can make things work not I know we'll be able to do it.

I got up off the floor and grabbed my boxers off the couch and put them on before going into the bathroom and getting a couple asprin outta the cabinet for my head.

I took them and was getting ready to walk outta the bathroom when I saw something red on my back. I turned around and looked in the mirror and saw scratch marks on my back and a bite mark on my shoulder.

Damn Savy and I must have gone harder then I though last night.

I smirked in the mirror and went back out into the living room and saw that Savy was still sleeping and I couldn't help but smile when I saw her curled up in my shirt still. I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee and was putting two pieces of bread in the toaster when Savy came and stood next to me and leaned on the counter and watched me. I put the toaster down and went and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into my chest and kissed her cheek.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning sweetie. Why the hell am I so sore?"

"How much do you remember from last night?"

"Us celebrating at the bar after we found out your going on tour with Kenny then you carrying me up here over your shoulder and then that's about it. The rest of it is just a blur."

"Well I got to make love to you on the kitchen counter and then on the couch then the floor until we finally passed out around 5 this morning."

"Well that explains it. But from the looks of your back and the way I'm feeling then I guess we had fun."

"Don't we always baby girl"

"Yeah we do baby."

She turned her head and gave me a quick kiss before pulling away from me and laying her head against my chest.

"Remind me never to drink that much again baby."

"I can try and stop you all I want but you and I both know that you have a mind of your own when it comes to drinking."

"What can I say? We like to party too much."

"Your right baby we do. And we pay hell for it the next day."

Savy started laughing and then quickly grabbed her head and buried her face further into my chest. "Why don't you go take some asprin baby and I'll make you some toast and a cup of coffee."

"Thanks baby."

She gave me a quick kiss before pulling away from me and I watched her walk down the hall towards the bathroom. Before she got to the hallway she turned around she smirked at me before lifting my shirt up so I could see her ass and shook it while she walked down the way.

She's pulling at me heart strings and everything below my waist and she knows it too.

I can't wait to marry her in 3 days......

Author's Note!!!!

For those of you who are rereading this story from Instagram, some things have changed so it's not the same as before......It's better.

Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!

Don't forget to spread the word about Luke and Savy being on wattpad now!

Guess what chapter's next? The Wedding!!!

Oh and since I'm finishing up my first college semester next week I'll have more time to update so be prepared to read.

Don't forget no awws or so cutes or about the chapter being better or anything along those lines. They just get repetative and it seems as though you don't really read the update

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