Chapter 13 - Willow

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Willow couldn't help noticing that Ella had been in a much better mood than the day before, she had been happy to go for a walk around the lake this morning.

"I can't stop thinking about that car that was following us, and that man in the restaurant. I don't see how he would know about our abilities but it's seeming more and more likely that he is following us." Ella said as they set off towards the lake.

"What worries me is that I didn't see him after we came back from the toilets. And those footsteps outside the door... But I don't know what to do about it, nobody will believe us if we were to say anything, so I don't know how we can stop him."

Ella shuddered, "Let's hope that if we ignore him then he will lose interest and leave us alone."

"Well as long as nothing else happens I think we should keep this to ourselves."

The twins walked in silence for a couple of minutes, both lost in their own thoughts.

"Have your abilities developed anymore since they first came?" Ella asked.

"No not really. Why, have you learnt how to control yours any better?" Willow asked surprised.

"Um, well no not exactly, but look." Ella said leading Willow into the trees beside the path. She focussed on a twig on the ground. It rose into the air and began spinning round in a circle. Willow stared at it speechless, "Wow! That's amazing Ella..."

"I know," said Ella blushing slightly. "And it's really easy for me to control!"

"I can tell, you're a natural! It's called telekinesis isn't it?" Willow asked thinking about the research she'd done into their abilities yesterday.

"Yeah I think so. I only discovered it this morning, so no one could have seen me do it."

Willow nodded, "If that man finds out about this I dread to think what could happen though..."

Ella showed Willow how she could lift heavy things with relative ease as well as control several small objects at the same time.

After that they walked along in silence and only spoke when Willow grew fed up of Ollie's pining to go in the water, which of course Ella couldn't hear. They walked down to a small pebbly beach area and after double checking there was no one fishing, they let Ollie off the lead.

Katie was coming over that afternoon and she was really looking forward to it, so after 15 minutes of watching Ollie getting soaked as he played in the water, they set off back home.


She had enjoyed having a normal Saturday afternoon after what had happened the previous day. Katie had seemed a bit off but after she had suggested they ordered Chinese she cheered up. Ella had been out all afternoon playing football with Brook, but when she returned she joined them for a while. Willow had been sorely tempted to tell Katie everything, but had managed to contain herself, knowing that it would only make the situation worse.

Their grandma had also left shortly after tea, as she still needed to drive home. Willow couldn't wait to see their grandma again soon. They loved going there and enjoyed spending time on the beach with Ollie.

Later that night Willow lay on her bed trying and failing to sleep. She closed her eyes and tried to figure out what was making her feel so bad. She had been very impressed by Ella's new ability, and she loved the fact that she could hear Ollie's voice as well as other animals too. However she couldn't help thinking that Ella's abilities were a lot more complex and extraordinary than her own. A pang of jealousy shot through her followed immediately by the horrible feeling of guilt. She had never really been jealous of her sister and knew that she shouldn't be now, after all, Ella didn't ask for this and it wasn't her fault.

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