Chapter 25 - Willow

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Willow felt a blinding pain shoot through her leg. She screamed uncontrollably. Blood was seeping from the wound in her knee, already forming a massive pool underneath her. Her vision became hazy and black shapes swam before her eyes. She heard Ella screaming and the door banged open. There were other people inside the room. Another figure slumped to the ground next to her. What if it was Ella?

She tried to see who it was but her vision clouded over.

What was happening? She heard so many voices screaming and yelling, before the pain became too much and she slumped back in her chair that she was still tied to and blacked out...


She woke to find she was laid in comfy bed with white sheets. The light was bright, she didn't want to open her eyes fully yet, if she was still in danger then she didn't want anybody to know that she was awake. It took her a few minutes to remember exactly what had happened and when she did remember her eyes shot open. She was in a hospital bed Ella was sat next to her quietly reading a book. There was a bunch of flowers on the table beside her bed as well as a glass of water.

Ella looked up and gave a shout of joy, "Willow! You're awake!" She squealed hugging her sister tightly, "Let me go and get Mum and Dad!"

Willow stiffened, "Mum and Dad?"

"Look Willow. After what had happened we had no choice but to tell them everything. They were angry of course but mostly because we got ourselves into danger than anything else. Just let me get them in. They've been wanting to see you for ages!" and with that, she ran outside and the door slammed behind her.

Willow shivered, thinking back to the man with the gun. She had so many questions, how did they escape? What happened on the street when Ella had almost caused a car crash? And most importantly, where did the men go?

She glanced down at her right leg to see it heavily bandaged around the knee. At least it didn't hurt anymore she thought vaguely as she remembered the awful pain of before. She remembered the massive amount of blood that had come gushing from the wound and just as she was wondering how she had even got to the hospital in her state, her parents burst into the room, followed by Ella and another woman who Willow supposed was the nurse.

"Willow, it's so good to see you awake! Her mum had tears in her eyes and was hugging Willow so tight that she could hardly breathe. "The doctors say you are going to make a full recovery! You got shot near your knee but luckily it never touched the joint. I can't believe you didn't tell us! We could have called the police and you would have stayed safe." Her mum finally released her and sat down on the hospital bed.

Willow looked up at her dad who had sat down at the other side of her. "Your mum and I were so worried, not to mention your grandma. Pam was the reason we'd found out you'd been taken in the first place! She's at our house at the moment, looking after Ollie. They should be letting you go soon anyway." He turned to the nurse, "When do you think Willow will be ready to go home?"

"Oh very soon I should think." She said with a cheerful smile.

Willow nodded as the nurse left the room. She wanted nothing more than to go home and see her grandma and Ollie again. There were so many questions she wanted to ask but she couldn't decide what to ask first. "How did we get away after I'd fainted? I remember there suddenly being a lot of voices, did the police come?"

Her mum and dad exchanged worried looks before replying. "Well" her mum began, "I think it would be best to discuss this when we get home Willow... There's a lot of explaining to do and you've only just woken up."

In truth Willow privately agreed, although she was itching to know every single detail about what had happened. It had all been so confusing and she couldn't understand how it had all been sorted. Had the men got away or not? If not, who had caught them? Maybe it had been the police officer Ella had warned, she didn't know. She glanced at her sister who shrugged. Clearly Ella didn't know about anything either.

Willow felt a wave of tiredness wash over her and laid back down on the bed. She drifted in and out of sleep for about an hour, until the nurse came back saying they were going to put some new bandages on and would be able to go home afterwards.

Eventually Willow emerged from the hospital in the fresh air, moving very slowly because she was now on crutches. Her parents went to get the car while she and her sister waited outside the hospital. "How are you feeling?" Ella asked timidly as they stood waiting.

"Tired more than anything." Willow replied, "You?"

"Same. At least I didn't get a bullet in my leg though." Ella replied looking wearily at the large cast on Willow's leg.

There was silence for a bit as they waited. "I can't wait to get home."

"I know... We stayed in a random hotel last night. Mum and dad arrived at about seven-ish. They set off as soon as they heard. I didn't see them for a while because they were speaking to some people about those men." She shuddered, "Mum and Dad won't tell me what they were talking about. They say they are going to explain it all when they home. Oh look, there they come."

When they finally pulled into the drive, everyone was dead on their feet and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. They all trooped inside, Willow's leg throbbing painfully because she hadn't taken her afternoon dose of painkillers.

Although it was only 5 pm all four of them gathered in the living room together and drank a large mug of hot chocolate before being hurried up to bed by their grandma. Even Willow, who hadn't eaten at all for two days, was too tired to eat even as much as a sandwich before going to bed.

As soon she got into bed, Willow fell into a peaceful and dreamless sleep, and didn't wake up until late the next day.

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