Chapter 24 - Ella

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How was she supposed to get away without letting them her sister? Her mind was on overdrive as they walked down a busy street in a city she didn't know. They had walked up an extremely long staircase from the basement they had been trapped in and emerged at the bottom of an old block of flats.

The task she had been given was immense and she knew she could never do it. Using her telekinesis she had to cause a car to veer completely onto the wrong side of the road and reduce its speed simultaneously. How did they expect her to do that? What if the people in the car were hurt because of her? She had no idea what to do, she couldn't bear the thought of harm coming to her sister because she refused to obey, but she also knew that she would never forgive herself if innocent people were harmed. She would be directly responsible any injuries that she caused, how could they do this? It was bad enough kidnapping two 14 year old girls, but telling them to potentially hurt or even kill someone...

She had asked how she was supposed to do it without injuring the unsuspecting people inside the car, he had replied, "I don't care what happens to the people in the car as long as you do what you are told." She had shuddered when he said that, this man really was ruthless, how were they to escape from him?

The man in the suit and sunglasses, whose name they still didn't know, left her on her own when they approached a car park next to a straight section of road where she was expected to carry out the task. He had promised her that if she did anything she wasn't supposed to, he would take her straight back to the basement where her sister was trapped and tell his boss. Ella shuddered at the thought of Willow being trapped in that room with Evan and the gun. Surely he wouldn't really shoot her sister if she disobeyed?

She saw the car park at the other side of the road and felt like crying with relief. A police officer was wandering around and checking parking tickets. All she needed to do was get to the policeman without being caught. She looked around searching for the man; as far as she could see he wasn't near her. Should she go straight to the police officer or attempt to do at least something to a car, to prove she could do it first? She was worried that if she moved a car by only a small amount that he would come back and get her immediately. She decided she had better follow their instructions a bit at least but needed to move the car in the least damaging way possible. After that she would need to act quickly so she could tell the police officer before the man came back...

Taking a deep breath, she focused on a car that was approaching her, making sure there was no oncoming traffic it could collide with. She knew that this would require her full concentration, she had never moved such a big heavy object with her telekinesis before. She felt herself take control of the car, and with all the force she could muster, she pulled it around and it swerved dangerously across the road, narrowly missing a nearby car parked on the side of the road.

She breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that she hadn't done exactly what she had been told, but she had hopefully done enough to avoid Willow being punished. She didn't know how serious their threats were, but this would show them that her telekinesis was strong enough to move a car.

Looking around her, she quickly crossed the road towards the police officer, feeling extremely stupid in her grey leggings and pink top that were her old pyjamas. She knew she wouldn't have long before the man spotted her. They were in a city she had never been in before and she had no money to get anywhere by bus or taxi.

She reached the police officer but realised she had no idea what to say. If she told him the truth it would sound pathetic. "Excuse me... er... sir. I really need help, there are two men and they were making me –" She stopped mid-sentence, unsure what to say. "Please help they have taken us, kidnapped me and my –"

The man turned to face her, "What are you doing?" He snapped, interrupting her. "Is this some kind of joke? Hoaxing is illegal. Go away or else I will take you to the police station." Turning away sharply to check some more tickets. Grumbling under his breath.

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