Chapter 20 - Ella

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The door flew open and the girls stumbled inside. Ella shut the door behind them before hearing the front door being unlocked. Surely if the person had a key then it couldn't be anyone except their parents.

Ella squealed with relief, they had been wrong, he wasn't coming back for them.

Willow seemed to have realised this at the same time, but instead of looking relieved she still wore a worried expression. They rushed upstairs and she threw the door to her bedroom open, she turned around, breathing hard. But Willow was nowhere to be seen.

"Ella what's wrong," she heard Willow pant, although she couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. Looking around in confusion she quickly realised that Willow must have turned invisible.

"Girls, I'm home," their mum called up the stairs.

Just as she said this Willow reappeared, looking flustered and glancing down to check if she was visible.

"Blazers, quick!" Willow whispered frantically, taking hers off and stuffing it under the bed. Ella followed suit and tried to wipe the dirty smudges off her face as she heard footsteps on the stairs. They both sat down just as their mum entered and they smiled at her.

Willow smoothed down her hair and Ella quickly threw a blanket over their feet as she spotted that they were both still wearing their dirty shoes. Thankfully, their mum didn't seem to notice.

"Had a good day girls? Dad will be home soon. I've just picked your grandma up from the hospital. Just a check-up, don't worry. Why don't you get changed and then could you come and help me set the table?" their mum asked.

"Sure, we'll be down in a minute." Ella said quickly as their mum left the room.

Willow collapsed backwards on the bed, "That was close," she said, still breathing hard.

Ella nodded in agreement, "What on earth are we going to do with all these clothes?" she asked.

After sorting through the pile of dirty clothing, they chucked away anything ripped and threw the rest of them into the wash. Hopefully their mum wouldn't question how they had become that dirty.

Once downstairs, they greeted their grandma who was chatting to their parents about the people in her neighbourhood. They had that much fun that evening, chatting to their grandma, that they almost forgot about the terrifying events of that afternoon. After saying they were tired and needed an early night, the girls headed upstairs to their room. Ella quickly walked over to the front and back door to check that they were locked; she did feel safe at home but didn't want to take any risks.

Ella was about to head into her room when she turned around to look at her sister, "Willow," she said nervously, "Would it be okay if you came and slept in my room? After everything that has happened today I'd feel safer knowing you were near me..."

She was relieved to see Willow nod in agreement, "Of course," she said, "I'll just fetch my things."

After getting ready for bed Ella turned to Willow, who was fiddling with her necklace she had got for her birthday from their grandma. "I was thinking that maybe we should've told Grandma about what's going on... I don't know why but I think she would take it better than Mum and Dad would."

Willow nodded, "I know, I was thinking the same, but I'm hoping that this man and whoever his boss is will decide that we are too much trouble... But it maybe we should just tell them in the morning. After everything that happened today it's probably for the best."

"Yes maybe we should... It will be very hard to explain though, we don't even know what is happening ourselves. Do you think they will take it okay?"

"I don't know. It will be easy to prove to them if they don't believe us. I think Grandma will be able to help us if we tell her first."

Ella nodded slowly, "Willow, you do realise that we could just have flown over the back gate instead of going to all that trouble to climb over."

Willow laughed, "I completely forgot... I still can't get my head round how easy it is for us to control. It's just as natural to us as walking is! At least we will be able to get away next time."

Ella grinned back, "Please don't say that, I'm scared enough as it is. I don't want you talking about it happening to us again! Anyway, I think we should get some sleep. Goodnight Willow."

"Seeyou tomorrow." her sister replied.

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