Chapter 18 - Ella

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Her sister was gone.

This was the only thought echoing through her head as she heard the man reach the bedroom door and bang heavily against it. The bedside tables rattled as he started to get through. She screamed and yelled in anger as she attempted to hold the door back with her telekinetic power. But it was no use. As a last attempt when the man broke through, she used all her remaining power to throw him back. He fell to the floor with a loud thud but wasted no time in springing up and coming back towards Ella menacingly.

Ella felt defeated as she sank down onto the floor. Numbness spread through her body and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Even as she was grabbed firmly by her arms and pulled to her feet, she had no fight left within her. She would let him take her...

A familiar voice came from behind her as she was pulled roughly away from the man. Willow was yelling at her to hold on as she desperately pulled her towards the bedroom window. Ella couldn't believe what she was seeing. He sister was hovering above the ground!

Not only this but Willow seemed to be wanting to carry Ella to the ground by escaping through the window! Ella knew they didn't have much choice but surely this wasn't going to work? She felt herself being pulled in both directions as the man quickly tried to grab her by the feet and pull her back. In the confusion, Ella felt herself being yanked over the rough window ledge and out into the air...

For a moment there was only silence as she realised what had happened. She could feel the arms of her sister tightly around her, holding her up, as her legs dangled below. Beneath her she could see the car park at the back of the building, filled with ant-size cars. Her senses seemed to kick back in as she became aware of the wind rushing past her face and the terrified screams that were erupting from her mouth. Ella knew Willow was doing her best to keep them going down whilst simultaneously holding gripping onto Ella as hard as she could, but they kept on descending at a faster and faster rate. She could feel Willow's hold on her slipping alarmingly, yet there was nothing she could do. They were still at least 30 metres up in the air. Ella knew that either they were both going to crash down onto the tarmac or Willow was going to drop her...

One second she was in Willow's grasp, the next she had slipped though. The panic had no time to set in as she hurtled to the ground at lightning speed. The scream from her sister faded as the speed at which she fell grew and grew. Her eyes widened in horror as the cars beneath her grew bigger by the second. The solid tarmac was rushing towards her like a big, black mouth ready to swallow her up, and there was nothing she could do...

At the very last moment – with her nose virtually touching the ground – she stopped.

Cries of relief sounded as Willow landed next to her, her face a sea of tears as Ella got up and ran to her sister. She hugged Willow as if she was never going to see her again. Her arms were like vices, trapping Willow in the embrace...

When she first felt herself slipping she had tried her hardest to make herself float, but it was impossible; telekinesis didn't work like that. She couldn't get her head round the fact that they could both fly! How on earth had they gone from normal teenage girls to girls with abilities like flying? However strange it may sound Ella hoped this was the end of it; she didn't need any more abilities, the ones she had were causing her enough trouble.

Then,as if by some unspoken agreement, theyboth looked up at the exact same time. The man was not in the window anymore,which meant he was on his way down to find them...

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