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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

KLARA FELT SO OVERWHELMED WITH THEIR CURRENT SITUATION. Most of her friends were going to be put forward for a creepy sacrifice ritual, her dad had become a vampire and burned himself alive right in front of her. Everything about her life was anything but normal.

The blonde moved over to the coffee pot and poured some into a cup, while she took a bite of toast she had already prepared herself. Sometimes she hated living with vampires since she often found herself being the only one that cared to keep the fridge stocked with something other than blood.

Klara yawned and pulled a carton of milk from the fridge and poured it into her coffee. Once she slammed the fridge door shut, she saw Damon Salvatore behind it. "You know, I usually prefer Bourbon in my coffee but milk works, too." He grinned toward her.

"That's nice to know, Damon. Thank you for sharing with the group." Klara grabbed the handle of her cup and attempted to move past Damon as fast as she could to avoid conversation, but he just followed her. 

"Oh, come on, pouty. I figured you and I were on solid ground since I tried to save you from your father." He groaned almost child-like as they walked down the corridor. 

"I mean, you also tried to kill him, too." Klara rolled her eyes with a light shrug.

"Look, I didn't know that he was your father, okay? But, even so, he was going to kill you. Besides, I wasn't the one that killed him. He did that to himself."

"Thank you ever so much for reminding me, Damon." The blonde didn't respond so he sped straight in front of her, which caused her movement to halt. A sigh finally left her lips as she saw him staring at her. "I'm not mad at you, okay?" Klara finally spoke, which caused Damon's brows to knit together. "Now, can I enjoy my morning coffee in peace, please?"

"Don't you wanna know what we're up to?" He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively which caused Klara's face to fall with confusion. "Katherine's got the moonstone and we're going to get it."

"But, you can't," Klara called after him once he walked off toward the parlor. Once she entered the room she saw Stefan eyeing up a set of weapons. "Are you crazy?! If you go inside the tomb, you won't be able to get out."

"Bonnie can make something that will subdue Katherine long enough to get the moonstone and get out of there." Stefan slowly explained though he appeared hesitant to continue.

Damon stood with a glass of bourbon in his hand. "Which means, Goldie-locks, you're going to play fetch." 

"I'm what?!" Klara's eyes widened. She looked between both Salvatores in immediate confusion. Stefan seemed more sympathetical toward Klara than Damon, but that was how it usually went.

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now