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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

IT HAD BEEN A WHILE SINCE KLARA AND CAROLINE HAD SPENT ANY TIME TOGETHER. The two used to be inseparable, but somehow they had managed to drift apart. Caroline was desperate to fix that, and so was Klara. She laid on Caroline's bed, while the Forbes girl flicked through her wardrobe.

"Let me get this straight, Esther wants to kill all of her children?" Caroline gasped. Klara had filled the blonde in with what Elena had told her. 

"All of them. Including Klaus." Klara nodded. "Yeah, she used Elena's doppelganger blood to link them all together during some toast that she made toward the end of the evening. So whatever happens to one, happens to all."

Caroline seemed flustered and she had seemed like it ever since Klaus invited her to the Ball, as well as Klara. "That's what we all need. We just need to get rid of these Original vampires once and for all!"

"Care?" Klara raised an eyebrow toward her best friend. "Something you wanna talk about?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Caroline furrowed her brows as she turned around to Klara and did her best to hide her irritation, but she couldn't. "Okay! So, the dress I wore—Klaus gave me." She heard Klara gasp. "And, that's not even the worst part. He said he fancied me."

"I can't blame the guy. You're hot." Klara hummed and shrugged. "If I were Klaus, I'd fancy you, too."

Caroline pouted. "You're not funny."

"Hey, I'm not trying to be." The blonde held her hands up in surrender toward her best friend. "Are you attracted to Klaus, too?"

"No!" Caroline shouted instantly which caused Klara to jump ."I hate him. He's repulsive. I'm repulsed by him." Her phone began to ring and the caller ID read Stefan. Klara declined the call and threw herself backward onto Caroline's bed with her eyes fixed to the ceiling. "Okay, what was that? Why are you avoiding him?"

"I'm not avoiding him."

"No. You're just in my house because you didn't wanna be at home, and now you're ignoring his calls." Caroline threw herself onto the bed, beside Klara. "You're my best friend. I told you about my drama, so you have to tell me yours. It's the rules."

"Stefan drove me home last night and he apologized for everything—sort of." Klara sighed but Caroline gave her an encouraging look. "He said he pushed me away the most because he could feel himself wanting to turn it humanity back on when he was with me."

"Oh..." Caroline trailed off with immense shock in her voice. "Oh, wow. That's—but what about Elena?"

"I was too afraid to ask." Klara bit out with a sigh. "He and I have always had this bond, maybe that's what he was referring to. He's in love with Elena, I know he is." The blonde set her eyes on Caroline, who looked away. "He's in love with Elena, right, Caroline?"

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now