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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ELENA GILBERT WAS IN TRANSITION. When Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, nobody knew that she had Damon's blood in her system. Meredith had given it to her when Jeremy took her to the hospital in the hopes that his blood would heal the bleeding on her brain—and it did.

"Hey." Klara rushed into the Gilbert's house with a pointed look on her face as she saw Damon stood in the kitchen. "How did she take it?" 

Elena hadn't really woken up properly since the accident, but now she had, the brother's had to break the news that she died with vampire blood in her system. "Uh, it could've gone better." Damon shrugged. "Saint Stefan got Elena's hopes up for a way out of becoming a vampire."

"What? There is no way out of it." Klara furrowed her brows with confusion.

"You know that. I know that, and Stefan knows that. But, for some reason, he's chosen to be delusional." Damon's irritation grew once Stefan walked into the kitchen. "Way to get her hopes up for something that's never happened in the history of vampirism."

"Know what? You weren't there the way Elena looked me in the eye and told me she absolutely never wanted this." Stefan bit back toward his brother, though he remained stood beside Klara.

Damon gritted his teeth. "Then you shouldn't have let her die."

"Woah, no." Klara stepped in front of Damon, out of defense of Stefan. "Don't put that on him. He respected Elena's choice."

"Yes, Klara, he did. And now the world has one more quarterback." Damon chuckled softly with sarcasm lacing his words. "Bravo, brother."

Stefan shook his head at the sheer irritation that radiated from Damon, but he understood it. Damon cared about Elena—they all did. "I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life. Now let me try to fix it."

"Stop it, okay." Klara rolled her eyes and lifted her hand in the air. "The last thing Elena needs right now is the two of you and your testosterone-filled angst. Let me go and speak to her."

Klara gave both Salvatore brothers a pointed look before she made her way up the staircase and toward Elena's bedroom. The doppelganger looked dazed and fairly highly-strung, but that was all because of the transition. "Hey." Klara knocked on the bedroom door and watched Elena's head whip in her direction. "Relax. It's just me. I left the broody-twins downstairs. Are you okay?"

"I—I'm fine." Elena hesitated, she couldn't seem to concentrate as she looked around her bedroom once more. Her curtains were drawn and she kept wincing at the light of the lamp on her bedside table. 

"This is me you're talking to, not them." Klara smiled encouragingly as she stepped toward her friend. "Trust me, I know that it really doesn't seem it right now, but everything will get easier with time. You'll adjust."

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now