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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

KLARA LAID WITH HER HEAD RESTED AGAINST STEFAN'S CHEST. Since she had returned back home from her visit to Whitemore, the couple had been together ever since. Stefan took their inseparability to share what he had discovered while Klara had been out of town.

"A cure to vampirism?" Klara's mouth hung open. She genuinely couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Klara. I'm sure. It exists." Stefan's chest vibrated as he hummed quietly while his hands ran through Klara's blonde hair. "But, just please keep it to yourself. Klaus was very clear that if I told anyone he'd make sure I'd regret it."

The blonde furrowed her brows with intrigue as she slowly lifted herself up from Stefan's chest. "So, why are you the only one that Klaus seems to trust? He's riddled with paranoia, so when did he become so trusting."

"Because Klaus has seen this before." Stefan vaguely explained which left Klara even more confused. "Connor isn't just a vampire hunter, he was a member of The Five. Their tattoos aren't just tattoos, they're a map to the cure."

Before Klara could even speak, Stefan's phone began to vibrate on the nightstand. She managed to grab it before he could and opened the text from Klaus. "Oh, well. If it isn't Mister Paranoia himself. You've got a problem—Connor's escaped."

"What?" Stefan grabbed the phone from Klara's grasp and examined the text before he dialed Klaus' number. "Klaus. How the hell did Connor escape?"

"I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me." Klaus exhaled deeply, while Stefan's eyes shifted to his girlfriend that laid beside him. "You're going to help me."

"Well, he could be anywhere now." The Salvatore spoke through gritted teeth while Klara chose to remain silent.

"Think, Stefan. He took the Hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin." 

Stefan and Klara's eyes both widened in fear. "Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires."

"Which is a pity as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood. And therefore the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple: Find him, catch him,  and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead."

Klara's eyes widened as she remembered Damon's revenge pact against the hunter. She mouthed Damon toward Stefan, and he nodded. "Damon's been looking everywhere for him. If they cross paths—"

"—You need to keep Damon in check." Klaus firmly ordered. 

"It would be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth."

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now