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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

KLARA WAS LAID DOWN ON STEFAN'S BED, LISTENING TO DAMON MOAN ABOUT STEFAN'S RECENT ACTIONS. It was no secret that John Gilbert hated vampires. Though, he seemed to hate Damon Salvatore a lot more than any other vampire he had encountered. The two had never seen eye to eye and Damon could understand why Stefan would bring him back to town.

"You brought back John Gilbert?" Damon incredulously looked toward his little brother. "That was your big Save-Elena move?"

"I went to go look for Isobel, and I got John instead." Stefan's arms were folded against his chest. "He said he could help us and we're desperate."

"He's got a point." Klara nodded in agreement with Stefan. She had sat herself up on the edge of Stefan's bed while Damon just narrowed his eyes toward her. "Don't look at me like that, okay? At least he's looking for a way to help her. And he's right, we are desperate."

"We're not that desperate, Klara." Damon flapped his arms in disapproval. "The guy tried to barbeque me!"

"Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed. Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do either of you trust Elijah?" He looked between Klara and his brother. "I don't trust him. He's an Original, he can't be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and kill him because apparently he can't die!"

"Still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer," Damon grunted.

"He knew about the sacrifice. Isobel told him. He said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe."

A groan left Klara's lips as she moved up to her feet. She was stood beside Damon, her arms folded over her chest. "Right, but you haven't actually explained the how yet, Stef." 

"He's not talking, at least not to me, anyway." Stefan looked between Damon and Klara and noticed the defeated looks on their faces.

"Great work, Stefan. Top-notch." The eldest of the two brothers sarcastically remarked with an eye roll. "As if I didn't have enough problems."

"Hey, I'm sorry about Rose," Stefan spoke out once Damon had pushed past him and toward the door.

"Whatever." Damon rolled his eyes and looked back at Stefan and Klara. The blonde could see that he was hurt, even if he wanted to pretend that he wasn't. "I knew the woman for five minutes."

"Five minutes is a little bit dramatic." Klara tilted her head sympathetically toward the Salvatore. "It's okay to admit that you cared about her, you know?"

"I wonder what that means," Stefan answered.

"It means I care, Stefan. It means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness." Damon's only defense was sarcasm. "You better watch your back because I may just have to go get myself a blonde sidekick and a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder."

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