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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

BEING A VAMPIRE MEANT KLARA FELT EVERYTHING WITH A GREATER INTENSITY. The first human life that Klara Adams had ever taken took a toll on her both physically and mentally. She hated herself for what she had done to the poor innocent women in the warehouse, but that hate triggered her to want to learn to control herself better. She didn't want to be a slave to the scent of blood— she wanted to be better.

Controlling the bloodlust was never going to be an easy task and Klara knew that she had a hell of a long way to go if she wanted to be better at the vampire-thing, but she was improving. In the two months that they had been away from Mystic Falls, her bloodlust improved immeasurably. 

Stefan noticed Klara's progress over the days, weeks, and months and he was proud, to say the least. It was not perfect, but considering they were on the road with a psychotic Hybrid who forced them to do the unspeakable, she was doing amazingly.

"This heat is driving me crazy." Klara sighed out once Klaus slammed the driver's door and headed toward the little house in the short distance that he had pulled up outside of. The blonde dipped her head between the two front seats and looked at Stefan, who sat in the passenger seat. "What's up?"

"Nothing." He lied. He missed home, they both did. But, it was no use dwelling on the past. They just needed to do whatever Klaus wanted to ensure Damon's life. "I'm just... hot."

Klara blew air from her mouth upwards so that it hit her face. It wasn't much use, but it was something to drown out the awful humidity they were faced with. "Why do you think he's been trailing werewolves this whole time? There's me thinking we were gonna be supernatural hitmen."

"You watch far too much TV." The Salvatore chuckled lightly toward his best friend, then he shrugged. "Uh. He probably wants to make more Hybrids." Klara grunted her breath that the thought of more creatures like Klaus. Hell on Earth. "You know that I'm proud of you, right?"

"Proud of me? What, for killing everyone that dick tells me to?" Klara scoffed quietly as her eyes laid back on Stefan. 

"No. For dealing with this. All of it." Stefan lifted his hand up and brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I just want to know that I— I think you're the strongest woman I have ever met."

Klara gently moved into his touch, but the sound of the screams that echoed from inside the house caused Stefan's hand to retract from Klara's face.

The two jumped out of the SUV, as if on cue, and headed up toward the house that Klaus had earlier entered. They knew what they were about to do, and they were both dreading it. Klara just had to think that she was one kill closer to her freedom. 

Once Stefan and Klara reached the front door of the house, it swung open to reveal a woman. She halted and was stunned when her eyes connected with the two vampires on her doorstep. Klaus chuckled from behind her, he had a blonde within his grip. "I love it when they run."

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now