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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

KLARA HAD BEEN DRAGGED TO THE GRILL BY DAMON. He had selected Klara to be his new drinking buddy since Alaric Saltzman was unfortunately no longer with them. Klara had absolutely no intention of taking Alaric's place, but she wanted to be there for Damon—he was undoubtedly missing his friend. 

As they sat at the bar, Damon had drunk countless tumblers for bourbon, while Klara had been nursing the same drink for twenty-minutes. "Drink." The Salvatore ordered with a bitter glare.

"I came to be a supportive friend and see how you were, not to get day-drunk with you." Klara tilted her head with a light chuckle as she took a sip of her drink.

"Walkin' on sunshine, Klara, you know. Elena's a vampire. Alaric's dead, and you're not drinking." Damon puffed out with an irritated grunt. "Where's the Klara gone that used to enjoy getting day-drunk, hm? I miss that girl. That girl was a hoot."

"Are you calling me boring?" Klara asked, but Damon didn't respond with words. He just shrugged. Klara took it upon herself to grab the bottle for bourbon that they had beside them, and she drank straight from it until there was nothing left. "Happy now?"

"Wow. Am I supposed to be impressed?" Damon scoffed. Both vampire's attention turned to Liz Forbes who moved beside them with a pointed look on his face, though her eyes turned to Damon when she slammed a newspaper down onto the bartop in front of him. "Faulty gas line leads to tragic explosion at Young Farm." He read the headline aloud. "Really?"

"Better than, town council blown up, police have no suspects." Liz lifted her gaze from the paper and onto Damon. "Unless the perpetrator's right next to me."

"Hang on, Liz. You think Damon didn't this?" Klara glanced from the Sheriff and back down to the newspaper. "Definitely not. Nine times out of ten, Damon brags about his kills. Hell, if he killed a council member, he'd probably throw a party to celebrate."

Damon's eyes narrowed toward Liz, who's eyes were glued to him. "She's right. If I was going to kill twelve people, I wouldn't blow 'em up. I'd have a dinner party."

"The explosion was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident." Liz carried on. 

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Damon shrugged with Klara scoffed from beside him. "The council's dead, Liz. I see that as a win."

"Only you would see this as a win." The blonde vampire rolled her eyes but then noticed an unrecognizable man wander through the Grill. She knew nearly everyone in Mystic Falls, and she had never seen him before.

"I've known some of the council since I was a kid. They were my friends!" The disgust on Liz's face was clear as she glared at Damon.

"Well, your friends tried to kill your daughter." Damon turned his attention to the man Klara's eyes were following as he walked right over to them. "Who's the new guy?"

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 | 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 [𝟭]Where stories live. Discover now