Chapter 1

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| Dani |

"Hurry up Dani, we're gonna miss our flight!" Matt yelled from downstairs.

"I'm almost done. Stop whining!" I fought back.

I looked in the mirror one last time, fixing my long, straight dark brown hair. I applied mascara to my lashes. Our items and furniture were already in the moving truck. My family is moving to North Carolina because my dad got a new job there. Well not much of a family without my mother. She died a few months ago and my dad says he'll never move on from her. I doubt it though.

While walking down the stairs, my brother teased me about how long I take to get ready.

"If you were a girl, you'd understand." I say.

"Well maybe girls should hurry up so we don't almost miss our flight."

"Whatever." I say walking passed him and out the door. "shotgun!" I call out.

"What? No I'm older." Matt says.

"Bye two years, really?!" I yell. "Dad?" I whine.

"Hey, leave me out of this." My dad said laughing lightly.

"Ugh.. Fine." I say storming to the backseat of the moving truck.

Our ride to the airport consists of Dad, Matthew and I listening and yelling at the Football radio station. Yeah I like football. I used to go to every practice with my dad at my old school and I plan to do the same for Davidson. I practice and learn the same plays that the players do and I might be better than some of em.

Ever since my mom died in a car accident, it's been a dream to go all four years of high school dating the person I would marry. I want to find true love like her.

We arrived at the airport and Matt and I hopped out of the moving truck.

"Have a safe flight." my dad told us.

"Love you." I went over to his side of the car and he kissed my forehead.

Matt gave him a bro hug and we entered the airport. We got to gates 3-6 and easily found gate 5. On the flight, I sat next to Matt, a chubby guy and an NFL cheerleader. I was stuck between a drooling Matt and a chubby guy eating more food. Luckily the flight ended quick and I only got a few hamburger and drool stains on my blouse. I sigh. I then hear Matt chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?" I questioned him.

"Well, I didn't think the flight was that bad." He confesses.

"Well that's because you didn't have to sit next to a drooling idiot and messy guy!" I shouted.

"Calm down." he put his hands up, surrendering. "And since when am I a drooling idiot?"

I sigh."Dad should be here in about 2 hours." I say calmingly.

"Alright I'm gonna go change and pick my room." I wink.

I walked upstairs and examined all the rooms. I got the room closest to the master bedroom and bathroom because why not? Matts room is on the other side of the loft which is in between the bathroom and The staircase.

I changed into some new clothes. I wore an oversized black crew neck, some dark blue jean shorts and black converse. I curled my dark brown hair and put mascara on. I have to check out the mall here.

"Big bro, can you drive me to the mall?" I ask, sticking my bottom lip out.

"Why should I take you?"

"Because I'm your wonderful baby sis and you love me." I laughed a little on the inside. "I'll give you twenty dollars."

"Thirty." he smirked.

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