Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Just Three Moons

It was another of the pack meetings and Arjun knew just the reason as to why he was being called.

He was the Alpha, but he was nothing in front of the elders of the pack. Their curses and blessings always worked.

He was twenty seven years old and had given up on finding his mate. He had duties to tend to and had committed issues. Often when he thought about it, it always gave him shudders. The mate bond was supposed to be eternal and could not be broken. If it did, it'd drive the other half crazy. Some turn to rogues, or worse, die. But death seemed better than turning violent and into a rogue. He watched his mated pack members happy and it gave him hope. And at the same time, kicked in his phobia.

"You have only three moons to find yourself a mate. Get me?! Only three MOONS." said one of the elder member from the pack.

Arjun stood in front of them and could just stare back at them. The advisors of the pack were there, his father Raj Mehra, who was the ex Alpha sat in between them all. He looked worried. His son was the rightful person. Took up the humongous task of bring an Alpha at the age of eighteen.

"Why? Why can't I just live my life?! Is it so necessary?" Arjun asked.

"Yes my son, it is necessary" his father replied.

"And find a mate in just three moons? That's impossible!" he cried out.

"You're the Alpha of the pack. And you're twenty seven. All the Alphas find their mates at the age of eighteen to twenty. Max twenty one. The pack needs a Luna to support the Alpha in his moves and activities. It is necessary" the elder calmly replied.

"Why?" was all he could ask. He was losing it and had to leave this place as soon as he could.

"Because you're the Alpha. If not, then step down from the position and hand it over to Neil. He is the next one eligible and is way more responsible. He's found his mate" the advisor snapped.

They were all trying to be calm and this was going nowhere. Raj looked at the members and sighed. Why couldn't his son just give it a chance? It was only going to ruin the future he was going to have with his one and only. He had some serious relationships, though none of them were flings, it was going to hurt the girl who was going to stay by his side forever.

Arjun scowled as he looked at Neil, who was his cousin. More than a cousin, he was his best friend. He was standing in one corner with his mate Samaira. She was a warrior-healer from the neighborhood pack. She was a sweet person. Neil respected her and loved her for who she was. Everyone loved her. She had moved in to their pack just two days ago. Right after they found out they were mates. Arjun was happy for Neil that he got his mate, but he was angry when he was told to withdraw his position to Neil. Just because he didn't have a mate by his side and Neil did.

What the hell ?!

"Please forgive me" Neil spoke up "I don't want the position. Arjun deserves it. He's worked hard for it. He had to prove himself even though he was the heir with the Alpha blood. I'm sure he'll find his mate. Three moons are more than enough. All the best Arjun" he smiled, bowing his head.

"I don't want to" Arjun sighed.

"It's the best feeling. You just can't stay away from her. She'll be the only one who can give you all the love and support you need" he smiled.

"Enough of it! Let me live my life!" Arjun snapped.

"Then without any delay, please withdraw from the Alpha post. Hand it over Neil" the elder spoke calmly.

"NO!" he roared as he shook with rage.

He felt his wolf turning aggressive. Taking over and push himself out. He had to keep him down. Control him. It was necessary. Else the consequences would be too much to bear. His eyes started to turn black. Claws popping out, fur appearing. Everyone were frightened. They knew nothing could stop him if he was angry or if his wolf came out. Only he could tame himself. Neil could do it, if not for him. But now that he started to hate him, Neil couldn't even think of being in his vicinity. Ever since the mate talk had come up, he had turned even more aggressive. And everyone knew it was the stress of not finding his mate. He was ageing and needed support, care and love to calm him. He was the Alpha and he for sure needed it. Arjun closed his eyes and clenched his fists. He let his wolf calm. It took time.

"You alright?" Neil asked as he slowly approached his brother and rubbed his back.

Arjun didn't say a thing. Neil took a step back sensing the heat waves. Sam worried of Arjun's condition. He was turning even more aggressive. He needed to find her. If he doesn't make it on time, it'll not be easy to tame him. She came to Neil and pulled him back. She didn't want a fight between the brothers. They all waited for him to calm down. It was silent. Too silent. They feared if he could calm down.

Arjun slowly felt himself calm down. He opened his eyes and gave out a smile. All of them felt relieved. But still feared of his condition.

"You alright?" Neil asked again.

"Yeah Neil, I'm fine" he nodded.

"I'm happy to see you fine. Please get a Luna soon. I want a friend. A best friend. I sometimes feel lonely here" Sam pouted, trying to reason and lighten up.

"I will. Someday" he sighed.

Sam's face fell. Arjun couldn't take it. He made up his mind. He then looked up at the elders. And then around to see some of the eligible pack members as they remain seated. They were too desperate to have their Luna.

"You sure I can make it?" he asked.

"Sure man. Sure, you can" Neil grinned as he put an arm around his brother's shoulder.

Arjun then turned towards the council members "I accept it. I'll find a mate within three moons. I'll get your Luna" he smiled. More like a smirk.

Everyone loved the determination he had in him.

"Good luck. And with this, the meeting comes to an end" the elder announced and then got up and walked out of the room.

All Arjun could do was to look into blank space. He did make a promise, but could he make it? He wasn't able to make it all these years, was it possible by three moons?

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