Chapter 4

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Happy reading

Chapter 4- First meet

Dia walked down the hallway with a smile as she tightly clutched the whiskey bottle and bought it close to her chest. She had to tell her brother Neil. She knew he'd not be sleeping. Not so soon. Not at 10 PM.

"Bhai bhai" she squealed, entering his office.

She didn't knock. She didn't have to. But she always did. And this time she forgot. Neil looked up from his pile of papers to look at his sister grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He then looked down to see her clutching the big whiskey bottle. The last he saw her was outside Arjun's room with Sam. Did she stay back in his room after and got drunk? It was never possible for a werewolf to get drunk. Their body heat was too much that it burned down the alcohol.

"Is it the alcohol acting up or are you really happy?" he asked.

"Where is Sam?" she asked.

"She's sleeping. She's not keeping well" he sighed.

"That's your fault" she shrugged.

"Care to explain" he crossed his arms.

She rolled her eyes. So much for having the Beta blood in him. Though their father was born in the Alpha family, which technically means her grandfather was the Alpha, as he was the younger son, he was the Beta.

She really thought if he was the most sensible person in the whole family.

Like really?

Everyone knew about the females falling sick when they couldn't spend much time with their mates. The longing and yearning could make them depressed. The worst, when they had their heat approaching. Since Neil and Sam had not completed the mating ritual, this was a reason too. They had marked each other and that only made it worse. She didn't understand how her brother was able to stay focused and Sam not complaining. Damn, the two of them were strong. Wolves always found it hard to keep their hands off their mate after marking.

"Care to tell me what's running in your head" he sighed.

His sister did zone out more than half of the time. He just couldn't understand what occupied her head so much. He just couldn't understand how Radhika put up with her.

"That you're the dumbest person" she mocked.

"Tell me why" he shrugged.

"I don't know why I am your sister. I don't understand how I am born to the same parents as yours. Clearly, you and Arjun should have been biological siblings. Not us, because the two of you are so dumb that I have to always keep enlightening though I am the youngest. And I have all the knowledge that you blockheads don't" she scoffed.

"Dia" he growled.

"Eh.. keep that with you and save it for someone else. Doesn't work on me" she scoffed again.

"Okay, forget it" he sighed. There was no way on earth he was going to win an argument with his baby sister.

"Can you tell me why you're happy" he looked at her, hoping for a proper reply.

"Bhai found his mate" she grinned. She was nothing like what was a nanosecond ago.

"I know. And I know there is a lot more" he nodded, rubbing his stubble, pushing himself back into his chair.

"Yep!" she jumped and took the seat opposite to her brother.

"Want some?" she asked referring to the alcohol and he gladly took it.

"Okay, talk. I even gave you a chocolate" he said as he looked down at the huge bar of chocolate that was pulled out from his drawer and slid to her side on the table.

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