Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Control

Arjun couldn't sleep. He just couldn't at all. It was so hard for him. He wanted to punch someone, something, anything. He wanted to cry.

"You clean up your mess" Dia's words rang in his head.

He was going to do that. But, how exactly?
It was not going to be easy. Though she felt the mate the bond, she was not going to make it easy for him. She was going to have him on toes. She was not like other females, who held nothing against their mate for their past and loved them. She was going to hold it against him. And his unacceptable, unforgivable behaviour of course. He looked up at the ceiling and all he could see was Radhika's face. Her beautiful eyes and smile. They were having a meeting tomorrow and all the packs in the country were called. The thought of seeing Radhika made him and his wolf happy.

"Sleep well, my mate. I love you" he heard her soothing voice.

"I love you so much more Radhika" he whispered and fell into the most peaceful, deepest slumber.

Dia couldn't sleep. It was only one person she could think of. She had been dreading to talk to him for so long. She had to know if he felt it too. She never knew that her crush for him would turn out to be like this. He did treat her well and like a friend, but was it more? Did he feel something more just like her? Her fingertips brushed his name on her phone contacts. After taking in and letting out a deep breath, she decided to call. The call was answered within seconds. It felt like he was waiting for her.

"Dia" he called out, more like saying to himself.

"Hey. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good. But now, I feel amazing" he chuckled.

"Why so?" she asked.

"I just spoke to my girl" she could feel his grin on the other side of the phone and that made her heart drop.

He had found his mate and that had answered her unasked question. So, she just got rejected even without feeling what it felt to have a mate. She felt tears well well her eyes and she had to hold back in a sob. Almost choked on it. Maybe, maybe. Maybe it was just a crush. And nothing more. So stupid of her to feel that it was something more. On the other side, Veer felt even more anxious. Her silence made his heart race. Her voice was all he wanted to hear and she was a talkative. But now, she was quiet.

"Love?" he called out.

No response.

"Dee?" he called out.

No response.

"Dia!" he growled loud. He was losing it. His mate's silence killed him inside out.

His loud voice made her jump and she almost dropped her phone. Okay, what had run into him?

"Did you have to scare me like that?" she snapped.

That made him smile. There she was.

His girl.

His mate.

His love.

His life.

His one and only.

"You had zoned. Had to bring you back to reality" he stated.

"Isn't supposed to matter to you. And I'm sorry for calling you this late. Your mate wouldn't like it" she sighed.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

Wait. Did she think?!

"Your mate wouldn't like you talking to another she-wolf" she said.

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