Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Sirens

It had been weeks and Radhika had not heard from Arjun. She really thought that he'd be the kind to be around to persuade and pressurise. That was what everyone said about him. If he wanted something, he got it. Quick. By fair means or by the unfair ways. Anyways, he always got it. But, he did have a side that no one knew of. That he never showed out to the world. He loved. He knew to love. He needed love. He cared. He needed care. And he deserved it.

Radhika sighed as she looked up the ceiling from her laptop. Something was not right. Something was just not right. It was all just too right to be right, which meant there was something wrong.

"Radhi, I completed the code" Dia walked in with a pen-drive.

"That's cool" she sighed.

"You okay?" Dia asked.

"I am not" she was being honest.

"Wanna talk about it?" Dia asked.

It had been four weeks since Dia had moved in and from since then things were a little off. She didn't blame her friend. She could never. Not her brother's mate. She never called her the culprit. Something was just not right with her friend. She was fully healed. But it was her headaches. They had become consistent and it had turned Veer nuts. He was always in close vicinity and his hold was the only thing that could help. That was the only thing that calmed her. It was hard for her to focus in class. She carried something that belonged to Veer to keep her sane and not have anyone suspicious.

"Something's not right" she sighed.

"Like?" Dia asked.

No reply.

She didn't know what to say. But something was just not right.

Like the calm before the storm.

"Look Radhi, I'm not dumb. With Krutika missing for four weeks, it does seem strange. No matter what, she appears for the presentation. And for this one, she didn't" she frowned.

"She needs her degree and I.. we know that" she spoke again, sighing in the end.

That made Radhika's head snap towards her best friend. How had she not noticed that? It had been a while. She had not troubled or annoyed them. She was so lost in Arjun's thoughts that she had forgotten to take in and focus on her surroundings. This was not good. She could not be this irresponsible. There was a pack that looked up to her and her family.

"As for bhai, he is fine. He is doing good" she sighed watching her best friend zone out again.

"He really is?" Radhika asked.

"He is" she nodded in assurance "I visited yesterday, he is doing good. He is a changed man. And as for Sam, her belly looks huge" she grinned in excitement at the last part.

"That's cute. She must not stress herself. Triplet pregnancy for a were is rare and high risk" Radhika sighed.

"She is fine. Neil bhai doesn't even let her lift a finger, so it's all good. The genders ended up right. You are a goddess Radhi" she smiled.

"I'm glad" Radhika acknowledged "but, I have something to ask you" she said.

"What?" Dia asked.

"Your headaches" she sighed.

"I know I worry you all, I apologise. Maybe, I should.. you know, stay out till the coast clears" Dia sighed.

"No" she shook her head in negative "that was not what I meant" she sighed.

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