Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Dream come true

Arjun hated sitting away from Radhika throughout the meeting. But, he had to. He was not going to pounce on her and take her with him. She had to heal. Then feel the attraction towards him. The bond.

"I believe congratulations are in order for the Beta and his mate" the Elder smiled as the meeting came to an end.

The other members in the hall howled in their human form and the couple smiled. The unborn pups were showered with so much love.

"Queen Radhika, would you like to reveal the genders?" the Elder asked.

"Queen?" Arjun asked.

"But, she is not Alpha yet" Neil said.

"Oh, she doesn't have to be an Alpha, to be called Queen. Not after what happened last night" she smiled.

"What happened?" Arjun asked.

"You don't know what happened last night?" she asked.

"No" he shook his head.

"The prophecy lives because of her" Raj smiled.

"You mean she..?" he asked.

"Yes, exactly" his father smiled.

"But, it's rare for it to happen before a wolf is coronated as Alpha" Neil stated.

"That is true" he smiled.

At that revelation, all the wolves in the hall bowed down to her and the Elders nodded in respect. Radhika looked confused as she looked at everyone bow to her in respect and she nodded at them all with a smile as they rose up.

"Now Radhi, please tell us the genders. I wanna know if it's nephews or nieces or a mix" Dia jumped in excitement.

"Oh, hush you" Veer held her down.

"I can be wrong as you just got pregnant. But, I am right most times. You can find out correctly after two and a half weeks" Radhika smiled.

"Say it Radhika" the Elder smiled.

Radhika walked to the front and smiled as she looked at Sam's belly. There was already a small lump seen.

"I see a lump already" she smiled "okay, now to work" she said, hurriedly and placed her hand on her belly and closed her eyes.

"Pup A is a girl" she smiled.

The crowed awed and applauded as the new parents to be grinned.

"Pup B is a boy. This is cool" she smiled.

The crowd again cheered for the couple.

"Pup A and B are twins. Sharing the same sack. That's mean, you both left your other sibling alone" she huffed and then chuckled which had the crowd laughing.

"Come on Radhika. I can't wait any longer" Sam said, her voice laced with impatience.

"Pup C is a ..." she paused, looking at the parents to be with a smirk.

She then looked around to see everyone anxious. She could feel everyone trying to guess the gender through mind link.

"Girl" she heard Dia.

"I agree" she heard her brother.

"Boy" she heard Raj.

"Boy" she heard Alpha Mohan.

"Boy" she heard Arjun.

"Girl" she heard the first Elder.

"Girl" she heard the second Elder.

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