Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- The proposal

Arjun turned to the left and Dia looked confused. He smiled at his little sister's confusion. This was another house for their own pack related business. It looked beautiful. They walked in and all she could do was take in the beauty of the interiors. Damn, her brother did not let his knowledge go in vain. He did hold a degree in interior design. So, this was the place he had taken up to renovate and recreate. It had been kept a secret. He had told her that he'd show her when time came. It was the old mansion where they had lived before she was born. This one was his project. They had decided to move out because Raj and her father Arnav decided to move in and live together as a big family and not separate. It sounded stupid. Living in the same pack, yet separated. And this was the place where their parents had first met. Both Arjun's and Neil's. 

She really did miss her mother. She was at her old pack because her grandmother was sick. And her father being the overprotective mate he was, accompanied their mother. With Neil being the Beta, it gave him more free time. They walked further in and she could only admire. The house was so beautiful. Both in and out. It was a huge wooden house that had glass walls and everything from the outside could be seen inside.


Only to werewolves.

The house had been constructed with many holy chants. Presence and blessings of the Elders and Alphas and other known werewolves made it stronger. All the Alphas from around the country had been invited. It was the only way for all of them to come together. Despite being rivals. It was the law of the wolves. That whenever a new Pack House was being constructed and was ready for use, all the Alphas along with their Lunas from every single pack had to assemble.

The one before remodelling, was not so appealing. That was what she had heard. It had poor dungeons. The doors were rusted and the meeting room had a seepage. So, it was remodelled. Arjun did deserve a pat on the back for this.

"Like what you see?" Arjun smiled as he ruffled his sister's hair.

"This is one amazing House! I could live here for eternity!" she grinned in excitement.

"One: Control. You need to be in control.

Two: No smile.

Three: A cold look. You need to show your aggressive side.

Four: No blabbering.

Five: No giggling.

Six: No fiddling with hair or nails.

Seven: Be a good listener.

Eight, last but not the least: Think before you say. Because once said, it cannot be taken back. Every word and breath you take in there counts.

I know you have been to meetings before, but from this, it matters. You're going to be a Luna. Your opinion and focus matters" he said and smiled at the end.

Dia just pouted looking at her brother. His duality was no joke. He was serious just a second ago, advising on how to behave and then smiled. It looked like he was not serious at all, but he was. She needed a second there.



On how to behave. She pouted again and that made Arjun laugh. He laughed letting his guard down and that made her smile. It was the first time in four years, he laughed. It was not like, he hadn't, but this was a true one. He calmed down and ruffled her hair and in return, she scratched his arm.

"Relax kiddo. It's not that hard. I told you because you're too hyper and like a kid. You're the youngest, but you've come of age to understand and now that you have a mate, you need to understand the importance. The weight of responsibility that rests on your shoulders now. It's very important for a werewolf to attend meetings. Female wolves are not allowed to attend, but I've changed the law here and so have the Chandramaas. They did that long ago. Now, that's enough. Come, let's go" he patted her cheek and pulled her in.

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