Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- I will get her back

Radhika stopped after walking for a while. Tears she had been holding on for so long made its way down her cheeks. She did want to go back running into his arms. But, she didn't. She did want to check on him. And she had the right idea for that. And her wolf loved her for that. They were going to see their mate again.

"Invisique" she whispered.

The moment she chanted the spell, she turned invisible. Her uncle Samrat had taught her some basic witch spells that would help her when needed. He had taught her spells that could be used by all. And he trusted her. He knew that she would never misuse the spells that were taught to her. She was a grown, responsible adult.

Her lips curled up in a smile as she walked back to the spot where she had left him. The leaves crunching under her feet were not heard. She walked and was stunned to see him standing right there. It looked like he had frozen. He had not moved an inch from the spot. Her heart broke for him as she felt his pain. It hurt her more as she was the cause for the pain. She walked further and stood close. Their bodies almost touching. She walked around him and her fingers brushed against the skin on his back. Arjun's skin tingled at the touch.

His head snapped up "Radhika?" he called out with hope.

He turned around, looked around to see if she was there. His head dropped when he couldn't spot her. He sniffed a little to try and locate her scent, but couldn't find it. But, she was right there. Right in front of him. The cloaking spell covered scents of all supernatural beings.

Her heart broke for the millionth time as she watched his eyes lose the twinkle. She just wanted to hug and kiss him for eternity. Her fingers brushed against his chest and his hand reached out to touch her. He felt it, but she was not there. He was now sure that he had lost it. He had lost his sanity.

"I love you my mate" she whispered, stroking his cheek gently.

He reached out again. His hope to try and catch her did not leave. His eye frantically searched for her. It was all like his dream. All the other times when he had felt her touch.

"I love you so much more Radhika" he whispered.

He walked away sad and this time, it was she who was left back. She watched as his tall, large form disappeared from her sight. She sighed, walking back home, still invisible.

Arjun walked back all disappointed to his mansion. Dia who had woken up a while ago due to the side effects of the medication had gone up to Arjun's room to check if he was back. But, he had not.

"Maybe, he met Radhi. I hope things are good" she prayed.

She pulled out her phone to call her brother, walking to the hall. She looked at the number of calls from Veer, which most of them were answered. She heaved a sigh of relief. She was glad that her family had taken care of things when she was resting. She then frowned seeing no calls from him. Maybe Radhika would have told him about her migraines. She heaved another sigh of relief. Heavy footsteps made her look up and saw her brother walk in lifeless. It looked like thousands of leeches had sucked the blood out of his system.

Oh, you could call him a zombie. No, Frankenstein sounded better. He looked so pale. Hours back, he was all excited, happy.

Now, what happened to him?

She walked towards Arjun, but when he turned around, she stood rooted to her spot. He had a bottle of whiskey in his hand. His tear stained cheeks.

He was crying!

It was all like a dream. It was the first time, after four years he looked so vulnerable. After his mother's death, he had masked himself to be the heartless and ruthless Alpha. The alcohol was a distraction, but he grew addicted to it. His relationships were a distraction too, but it meant nothing to him. He was so broken that he didn't see it coming. Whatever he had done to prove himself had gone in vain. All his hard work. His kindness. Everything in the drain.

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