Chapter 11: "The Last Fragment"

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"... M-.. Mami.."

The sound of chains skittering across the floor could be heard, as a small, frail little girl slowly approached a barred window, staring off onto the city streets below. Her once silky white hair was now tangled, in disarray. Her once brilliant yellow and red eyes had become duller, as her soul gem remained in a darkened state.

".. Please... Hurry.."


Rei slowly opened a set of large, metal doors, the small group of girls slowly stepping inside of an abandoned warehouse.

"Wh-.. Where do you think Nagisa is?" Madoka whispered, her golden eyes glowing brighter the closer she came to the last fragment of her memory.

".. I think you're a walking radar, Madoka." Rei smiled. ".. Just start walkin'."

Madoka looked down at her hands, before slowly stepping forward. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, wearily. ".. I.. Feel like we're not alone."

"That's because you're not."

Suddenly, a figure drops from the ceiling, a long, feathery gown falling after her, landing all around her body. She slowly stands up, her gowns drifting in the draft as her long, jet black hair gleamed in the little light of the room. Her pink eyes glistened as she let out a small giggle, before slowly stepping toward the group of girls.

"I must admit.. When Homura first told me about you lot, I had my doubts.. Why would I risk my life just to keep some dumb girl locked away?" The girl started.

"She's not just a dumb!-" Sayaka started.

"-But then.." The stranger interrupted, her eyes gleaming at Sayaka as she pointed her finger at the girl in blue. "I got to thinking.. Thinking about not only you.. But also pinky-pie up in front."

Madoka winced.

"You both hold incredible potential, and power.. I can see it.. It radiates around you like a fountain." She grinned, before raising her arms upward. ".. I want it.."

"Who are you?" Rei narrowed her eyes, gripping her soul gem as the room surrounding the girls began to rotate.

Once the room was upside down, the girl let out a faint gasp, followed by a smile of contentment. ".. Dia." She murmured.

Suddenly, the soul gem connecting the torso of her feathery gown began to glow, as two massive, spiny arms shoot out of the gem's surface, black fluid spilling all over the floor as Dia's body is entangled in a black web, hoisted into the darkened void that sat above the girls.

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