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"that was amazing bil, you had the whole crowd singing almost like all the lyrics to all your songs!"

"i know, i've never experienced a crowd like that before. it was amazing" i say as i let go of the hug from zoe.

"my turn" drew says squeezing me tightly.

"don't worry i didn't forget about you drew" i laugh letting go of the tight hug to see brandon walking over.

i tie my sweaty hair up into a messy bun and grab a water bottle from fin as he comes over which instantly brings a smile to my face.

brandon or better known as seven or que which his friends all call him although i prefer brandon who is not only my boyfriend but also my bestfriend.

he hates when i call him brandon because he thinks it makes him seem soft which is true. he actually is like one of the softest people i know and it's the cutest thing because you see him and instantly think he's this big tough guy but in reality he's not.

"you did great out there baby" brandon says giving me a quick peck on the lips. "seeing you perform is my favorite thing in the world"

"aww little baby bwandon is so soft" i say teasing him my hands still wrapped around his neck.

"man shut up before i take it back"

"joking. love u too baby" i say unwrapping my arms from around his neck to get another sip of water.

me and brandon are not exactly official although a couple fans have speculated we are together. the thing is brandon just turned 22 and i'm only 17 and everyone freaks out about it and how i'm underage which is the stupidest shit ever like who cares if im underage i'm dating him because i love him and i'm happy so it shouldn't matter what age we are. this is one of the main reasons we haven't really went public but once i turn 18 we plan on doing it.

i don't think it would even be a big deal if we came out and went public now because it's not like i'm famous famous, i'm playing small venues only leaving LA once in awhile to play a show in SF with not even 500k on insta. i have enough fans to do a small tour over america in tiny venues but my parents simply can't get the time off work. my friends and family still like to consider me a celebrity which annoys me and brandon is just worried my career will take off while i'm 17 then everyone will become invested in my relationship and finding out about him which is reasonable. and i can wait.

"are you riding with fin and claudia to dinner or me, zoe and drew?" brandon asks grabbing the water from me to take a sip.

"i was drinking that" i say sarcastically turning my phone off.

"looks to me you were on your phone." he says grabbing my phone from my hands and holding it above my head so it was just out of reach along side the water bottle.

"i hate you"

"come on jump for it! you got it bil!" brandon says shaking the water bottle and phone.

"i hate you" i repeat after jumping for it and missing.

"alright that's it i'm riding with fin and claudia to dinner" i say knowing that he will break from that.

taste // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now