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"it feels like we have been driving for hoursssss"

"oh be quite it's been like 30 minutes. i hope you are not one of those people that think 30 minutes is a long car ride"

"not when you don't tell me where we are going" i whine over whatever song was playing.

although me and harper had similar music taste, she had a couple songs that were a little weird and every time i went to skip it she insisted it would get better as i keep listening.

they never get better.

"especially when music like this is playing"

"fine take aux" she says as i don't hesitate to grab her phone and change the song.

"after this song!" she complains but it's already to late when catch me outside by ski mask turns on.

we sing along to a couple more songs before finally arriving at some secluded parking lot with some path leading down towards a lake.

i'm not going to lie, it looked sketchy as shit and not like a lake with a pretty view to watch the sunset at but harper has the biggest smile on her face so i decided to keep quite.

"god, i haven't been here in forever. i used to come here all the time when i first got my license" harper says getting out of the car as i do the same.

i followed her down this unpaved path and down to this secluded lake.

"this is a little sketch" i say looking around feeling like we are going to get jumped.

"wait" harper says as she continues to walk.

she goes off the path and walks through some trees as i just stand there and look at her dumbfounded.

"are you coming?" she asks stopping in her tracks and looking back at me.

i let out a sigh and push myself through the trees to where harper was standing.

she grabbed my hand and started walking up these stairs that weren't really stairs but were just paved out steps because of all the times people have walked up them.

finally we arrive at the top of this hill which was actually pretty cool. you could see over the lake and tops of the houses in LA.

"you know, i was a little sketched out at first but this is pretty dope" i say with a soft smile as i sit next to harper.

"can i smoke?" harper than asks.

honestly i wasn't to fond of it but i didn't care enough to say no either.

"i'm smoking" she than says grabbing some type of roll from her pocket and weed out the other before rolling it up.

"the sunsets pretty" i say admiring the pink and blue sky.

"do you know about that flash thing? like how right before the sunset the sun flashes green?" harper asks lighting up the roll that was in her mouth.

taste // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now