billies pov
the last three weeks have completely flown by and we have our finial show tonight back in LA. the closer we have gotten towards the end of tour, the more nervous harper has gotten about going back to 'normal' life or whatever that means.
i do my best to comfort her and i tell her everything will be okay but honestly, i don't know if it will be.
"billie you are on in 10 minutes!" the stage guy says.
i continue thinking about what's going to happen after tonight, where harper will go, what i will do.
"billie? hello?" zoe asks waving her hand across my face.
zoe and drew were here because the show was in LA which i absolutely loved.
"sorry" i say snapping out of my trance.
i need to get my mind off things, focus on the show. after all it's the last one and in my own city.
"lets head towards the stage bil" finneas says unwrapping his arms from around claudia.
i nod following him as we all make our way towards the side of the stage where the familiar intro music starts to play, the crowd growing loud.
"good luck out there" harper says wrapping her arms around me before placing a kiss on my cheek.
i look at her and smile before running onto the stage as the fans go crazy. i don't think i will ever get sick of this feeling.
"this concludes the tour! thank you LA for going hard. i love each and every single one of you!" i say hopping off the stage and bending over the barricade to hug the fans.
i wave one more time before running off stage and into harpers arms.
"you did great billie" zoe says as drew nods.
"thank you guys for coming" i say chugging down a water bottle.
"i'm going to miss watching you" harper says softly.
"don't worry, i'll be on tour again soon and you bet your coming with me" i say as she responds with a smile.
harpers pov
"you can sleep at my house if you want" billie says grabbing her suitcase off the bus.
"i think i'm going to try and go home" i say honestly.
it took a lot of time to think about because well i promised myself i wouldn't go back to my mom.
who knows if she will even let me in the house.
i could have slept at billies but i can only do that for so long and i would rather face my family now than later.
"you sure?" she asks a little surprised.
i just nod as i grab my suitcase off the bus and head towards some black van that was taking us back to billies house.

taste // billie eilish
Romance"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian