tw // heavy suicide mention
two months later
billies pov
"you have good taste eilish" reese says admiring the picture of Q i was showing her on my phone.
"oh shut the hell up" i say playfully before punching her in the arm.
i met reese about two and half weeks ago. we have honestly hit it off really well. we met while i was doing some interview, she was being interviewed right before me. i never heard of her but apparently she just started blowing up in the music industry and she had some song that was taking off.
i loved her style, she was really true to herself. she was also goofy as hell not taking the interview serious at all which i loved.
there was a little break in between mine and hers where she came up to me and told me she loved my music and since then we have just been really close.
"okay now show me your other ex" she then says.
i actually haven't brought up harper to anyone sience the day of the crash. no one has bothered to bring it up to me either, including the fans.
of course once in awhile there would be some dumbass TMZ article assuming some shit on why i unfollowed her but other than that it's been chill.
getting over her has been the hardest shit in the world though. but having supportive friends and family around me has really helped. and of course random hookups from time to time.
"ohhhh so you have really good taste eilish" reese says again taking the phone from my hand to look at the picture of harper. "why did you guys end things?"
"uh, she cheated" i say, my voice cracking at the thought.
"damn, so Q cheated on you with harper, than harper cheated on you? you gotta have some heavy ass trust issues after that" reese says trying to lighten up the situation.
"yeah, i think i'm done with relationships for awhile" i say watching her nod in agreement.
"anyways, you excited for tomorrow? big day!" reese then says changing the topic from the heavy subject.
"yeah but i'm nervous as hell bro. this shit is like my baby, i love the hell out of it and if people don't like it ima be pissed" i say talking about my album which comes out in approximately 17 hours.
"look, i've only heard four songs, but those four songs are some of the best songs i've ever heard. so if people don't like that shit something is wrong with them" she says with a big smile.
harpers pov
these two months has been the worst time of my life. ive barley have enough energy to even get out of my bed.
i spend my days stressing out about the future. my parents tried taking me to therapy but i won't go. i don't need therapy, i need billie.
it's not just billie that's making me sad though, i have no plans for college, no friends to hang out with, i haven't spoken with kaitlyn in awhile.

taste // billie eilish
Romantik"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian