two years later
harper"hey, i love you and i'll see you soon okay?" billie says softly before pressing a quick kiss on my lips.
"also, i got you something" she adds, reaching into her pocket.
she hands me a small rectangular box, wrapped in wrapping paper that was covered in dogs wearing christmas hats.
"i didn't get you anything" i pout, giving billie a sorry look.
"i wasn't really expecting anything, i mean christmas is a whole month away" she says with a small laugh.
"i'll have something amazing for you to come home too" i reassure, making billie smile.
"okay well, i'll see you in three months okay? it'll go by quick. plus this will probably be my last tour for ahwile" she adds making me nod.
"i love you"
"i love you too, and please wait to open that shit on christmas"
i sit under the empty christmas tree that would usually be filled with gifts but hence billie being in tokyo for her maybe last world tour ever, there had to be a change of plans.
"hello baby i see you" i say scratching the ears of ghost, a dog me and billie adopted about a year ago to keep shark some company.
billie❤️: i'll be asleep when your reading this, but merry christmas. love u. now open ur present.
i smile at the text before looking at the small wrapped box that has been sitting under the tree since billie has left.
i grab it, slowly unwrapping it to reveal a cassette tape, smiling when i see what's written on it.
to harper, and if ur not harper, don't listen to this shit.
i grab my headphones nearby, plugging it into the tape and smiling when billies voice comes through.
hey, i know this is cheesy as hell but i just wanted you to have something while i'm away. the time i'm recording this, it's been exactly two years since we got back together. i just wanted to thank you, and tell you how thankful i am for you. you are way more than i deserve. i love you so much and i know i tell you this all the time but i want it to be stuck in your head forever. i would be nothing without you harper. you are literally like everything to me. thanks for keeping me sane through all this, you are the strongest person i know. i hope you aren't missing me too much while i'm gone, only two more months. please keep the dogs alive. and the house in one piece. okay, i love you. also i hope we have been calling everynight, if we didn't speak yesterday call me right now i don't care what time it is or where i am. thanks for making the past two years so wonderful. i love you, and merry christmas. ps: i got the dogs presents, they are on the top shelf of the closest by our room.
so, your actual present, i went on your spotify and got the 10 most played songs you have streamed since making an account, and did a cover of each one.
i smile as billies soft singing voice plays through my headphones, singing some of my favorite songs.
i don't deserve her at all.
merry christmas billie.
i'll love you forever.

taste // billie eilish
Romance"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian