Billie: ok u guys can come over
zoes ass: finally. on my way.
drew🍃: ^^ i hope u r picking me up
zoes ass: give me gas money and i'll consider it
i smile at their text. god i don't know what i would do with zoe and drew in my life. they have been there for me sense the beginning. they go to public school which sucks because i'm homeschooled which means they are really only free on weekends. also everyone that goes to their school are stuck up, rich, preppy, white kids who take their daddies credit card and are set up for life. but the school boundaries are weird and like 5% of the kids that go to the school are from my neighborhood some of them being zoe and drew.
that's how i met zoe and drew a long time ago we were just outside playing around and ever sense us three just clicked.
zoe and drew have brought me to a couple parties and it's just crazy because right away i can tell which girls are going to be chill and which are not. it blows my mind how where you grow up can affect your personality. also this isn't always the case but like 90% of the time it is so.
there's also the ocasinal girls that know me for my music and don't get my wrong i love my fans i say that with emphasis because they are like family not fans but these girls arnt my fans. they are the girls that come up to me, don't even say my last name right, stick a phone in my face, tag me and post it on their instagram and say how they love my song my most popular song ocean eyes and only know the chorus. they take a picture and leave not bothering to have a real conversation. but i'm not complaining. they might be suck up rich bitches but they are making me money so.
before i know it i hear a knock on the door knowing it is zoe and drew.
before i can say anything they engulf me in a group hug which makes me smile widely.
"hey guys" finneas says from the couch.
"hey finnnnn" drew says with a wink going to give him a hug.
drew likes to annoy the shit out of me by flirting really subtly with fin and i don't even think fin notices it which is the funniest part.
"gross" i mutter as i walk into the kitchen to grab the bag of takis fin brought me home yesterday.
zoe and drew follow me into my room and lie down on the bed anxious to hear what the happened.
i tell them the exact story of what happened pretty much the exact same thing what i told my mom execpt this time i didn't cry as much.
"aw, billie i love you" zoe says putting her arms out for me to hug them.
"fuck Q bro he lost the best thing and he is never going to get better then you" drew says swinging her legs up in the air.
"i wrote a song about him, wanna see it?" i ask grabbing my notebook to show them like they didn't have a choice.
they read over the lyrics, smiles on their face.
"that's badass. have you and fin produced any of it yet?" zoe asks handing me back the notebook.
"nope not yet. he doesn't even know about it but i'm excited for it when it does. i already have what it will sound like in my head" i say excited at the thought of performing it.

taste // billie eilish
Romance"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian