it's been a couple days since harper slept over and i haven't stopped thinking about it once.
i felt a feeling that i didn't think i would be able to feel again after Q. it was a feeling i wish i didn't feel because i know they arnt the mutual.
i texted her the day after she slept over and she never responded which proves the feeling arnt both ways.
and by feelings they arnt like feelings they are just more like i want to keep talking to you and get to know you. doesn't seem like she cares though.
i should have known this going into it. she got exactly what she wanted and now she's ghosting me.
i just thought that kiss ment more to her but i obviously thought wrong.
i would be more upset about the whole situation and i should be, but my EP is doing way better than i could have ever expected. my followers on instagram are rising, i'm getting asked to do more interviews, getting more money, and most importantly, a US tour may be in the works in the near future. luckily this has been able to keep my mind off harper.
i was going to tell zoe and drew about the kiss but decided to wait in case she ghosted me like she's doing right now.
i'll be over it in less than a week, plus i'm not even still fully over Q as he still comes into my mind sometimes.
my phone dings where i check it to see harpers name. it's like she can read my mind.
harper: hey baby
i didn't want to reply and wanted to make her wait two days like she did to me but i know she wouldn't care if i texted her now or in a month.
billie: thanks for the two day late reply dumbass
billie: also don't call me baby
harper: been busy, damn, didn't know we were dating
billie: shut the fuck up bro istg
harper: what are u gon do
i instantly wanted to say something dirty in response to that but decided to keep it to myself.
billie: anyway, wyd
harper: driving around
harper: call me, texting is wack
i smile a little at the fact she wanted me to call her which is exactly what i did.
"hey" i hear her voice say which i oddly missed. "how are you?"
"i'm pretty good, bored as shit though" i reply honestly. "been sitting in my bed all day"
"where you at right now?" harper asks
"uh, home why?" i ask a little confused on why she was wondering.
"i'm picking my brother up from football practice and it's near your house, since you are bored i figured i could pick you up and we can go get food or something if that's cool with you?" she asks which makes me realize how hungry i actually was.

taste // billie eilish
Romance"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian