harper: k cum over n wear something nice
billie: i don't dress nice
harper: than wear something cool
billie: if u tell me why
harper: its a surprise
billie: suprises r stupid unless u hired abunch of strippers to come to ur house
harper: shut up and get ur ass over here
billie: omw babyyy
i smiled at the text before turning my phone off and get ready to go to harpers.
i top my outfit off with a bunch of chains and rings before quickly brushing my hair and spraying some perfume on.
"okay i'm going to go hangout at harpers tonight. i'll see you guys later" i say to my family who was all sitting on the couch.
"and how are you getting there?" finneas asks which was a stupid question.
"uh, the car? i'm not gonna fuckin walk"
"yeah no, i'll drive you. i'm taking the car tonight. i have plans" finneas responds getting up from the couch.
"i cannot fuckin wait till i get my own car" i say rolling my eyes.
"so, you and harper have gotten pretty close huh?" finneas asks turning down the music to talk to me.
let me just tell you, finneas turns down the FUCKING music every time he says one word and then never turns it back up and it's the most annoying shit in the entire world.
"yeah" i reply dryly turning the music back up not wanting to have a conversation with him.
"how about you talk to your big brother who's the reason behind all your success" he says now turning the music completely off while laughing at himself.
i swear i'm going to kill his ass.
"anyways, we have a meeting tomorrow with the label" finneas says as i once again reach for the radio.
"what time?" i ask praying that it's not to early.
"9:00 am"
"of course" i mumble as we finally pull into harpers neighborhood.
i direct him where to go as we pull up to harpers.
there's tons of cars parked down the street but i figure it's a pretty common thing for rich people to have people over all the time.
"i see why you are so obsessed with her car now, damn" i hear finneas say admiring the car on the driveway.
i laugh as i get ready to get out of the car when i hear finneas get out of the car to.
"uh, what are you doing?" i question watching him walk towards the house me closely behind.
"meeting this harper girl who you are constantly on the phone with. i wanna make sure she's not bad news"

taste // billie eilish
Romance"you have good taste eilish" #1- billieeilish #1-lesbian