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I walk into my house as quite as I can knowing my family will still be sleeping. My house being so small doesn't make it easy either.

"billie?" i hear my moms voice question as i look over to the couch to see her sitting.

"yeah, hey" i say back feeling a little bad for not telling her where i went last night.

"you can not leave the house like that billie and not tell us where you are going. what if something were to happen to you and we had no idea!" my mom whisper yells trying to get her point across. which she does.

"i know. i'm sorry. brandon cheated" i say honestly walking towards my room.

"oh, i'm so sorry sweetie. i had no idea. want to talk about it?" she asks softly the sharp tone gone from her voice.

"later. i'm exhausted right now." I say just wanting to go back to sleep.

"okay we can talk about it when me and your dad get back from work." she says giving me a hug.

"sounds good." i say back hands in my pocket gripping onto the brownie.

god i can't even imagine what my mom would do if she found out i smoked. she is so against that shit. gets hella mad when she finds out i drink too.

i see my bed and instantly throw myself on to it. i close my eyes thinking i would fall asleep right away but i couldn't. the thought of brandon cheating just kept coming to my mind. all the good memories of our relationship flood into my brain being impossible to escape. the fun times, the jokes, the dates, everything. i feel  my face get hot and feel a tear on my cheek. i check the time and see my mom doesn't leave for another hour.

i was going to get up and go get her but she was already walking into my room. moms have super powers i swear to god dude.

"aw bil. it's okay" she says sitting next to me on my bed rubbing my shoulders.

"i just don't know why he would do this to me mom" i say the tears starting to come more and more.

"i know, bil i'm so sorry." my mom says pulling me into a tight hug where i start sobbing.

"he was perfect mom. i never s-s-saw it coming. no o-one did. w-why"

"shhhh" my mom replies with a soft voice rubbing my back up and down.

"everything, is going to be okay i promise" she says in a reassuring tone that made me a little less tense.

"i love you billie"

"i l-love you to mom"

we sit there for awhile me just crying into her arms. eventually i'm able to calm down a little and pull away back onto my bed.

"want to talk about it?" she then asks calmly to me. "i think it'll help"

i check the time to she see has to leave for work in 10 minutes.

"you have work"

"i can go in late. talk to me" she says putting her hands on my hands.

taste // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now