Chapter 7: Molotovs For Days

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Anime: Sup guys! It's been a while but meh who cares. I'll get this done anyways. Stay cool. Stay safe. Let's go!

*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*

A fetch quest. A fucking fetch quest. What has become of shinobi these days that made what could've been a capture mission devolve into the worst possible job? I have no fucking clue.

"This is bullshit." I glare at the man that got us our job in the first place.

"Aki, a mission is a mission." Kakashi replies while remaining unfazed. If only I have lazer eyes.

"What the fuck happened to your talk about comrades?"

"Yes, comrades are important."

"Then isn't my fucking sanity important?"

"Yes, it is."

"Then drop this mission."


Moment of restrained rage.

"At least not include me in this mission."

"Then you won't be receiving payment."

"I'll just do some other job."

"You're still a genin. Missions are done in teams."

"I am not going on a fucking fetch quest!"


"I am in a fucking fetch quest."

"Aki, focus!"

"I am focusing." Gummy's reprimanding is annoying.

I continue to carefully run across the trees as to not alert the target. Hiding behind a tree as soon as the target stopped moving.

Long breathe in. Long breathe out. Still there.

I waited still...

Wind blowing across the area...

Target still wary of the surroundings...

Static passes through the radio.

"Sasuke, point B."


"Sakura, point C."


"Aki, point wherever the fuck this is."


"Naruto, point A believe it."

"You're slow Naruto."

Rustle. Rustle.

I stiffen a bit. We can't lose the target.

Tension fills the area.

30 seconds pass and nothing has moved.

All of us waiting for that hot knife to cut the thick atmosphere.

Without triggering the target.

"Okay Team 7-" Swooosh!

There it is.

"Target has moved! After it!"

We chase down the target while keeping our distance. After the target stopped, we hid behind a tree once more.

"Over there."

We inched closer to the next hiding spot. The target in full line of sight.

"What's the distance from the target?"

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