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It was Matt. Matt was the one controlling Jackson. You had no clue why are how Stiles had found out. You had simply just gotten a message telling you to meet him, Scott and his dad at the police station. So you did. You left the scene at Derek's house and made your way over the station.

When you entered, you went straight into the sheriff's office since there was no one at the front desk. The three boys were all huddled around the computer. "Hey" You speak up making them all turn you, "What's been going on then?" You ask.

"Where have you been?" Stiles almost snaps. You were confused at his tone. What had you done to him?

"What? What do you mean?" You question, your voice soft.

"At the party? We spent ages looking for you, you just vanished. Where did you go?" The boy pushes.

You swallow, you couldn't tell him that you accidentally brought the killing alpha werewolf back to life now could you. So, instead, you lie, "I was just erm, helping Lydia with something"

"We've got bigger problems right now" Scott speaks, glaring over at Stiles.

You agree, joining the three of them. They were looking at some hospital footage. You assumed that it was for Matt but they had yet to tell you.

"Wait! Hold on!" Scott tells Noah, "Scroll back" The sheriff does so, your eyes noticing what looked liked the back of Matt's head but you couldn't be sure.

"There! That's Matt" Stiles points out.

"All I see is the back of someone's head"

"Yeah, Matt's head" That wasn't the best defence for when you were trying to say he was a murderer. "I sit behind him in history, he has a very distinct cranium"

You sigh, "That still won't be enough to be counted as evidence"

"Okay then, look at his jacket, who do you know who wears black leather jackets"

You look down at your own jacket, ironically, a leather one. "Stiles, I'm wearing a leather jacket"

Scott than leans in, "Can we scroll along, there's got to be shot of him coming towards the camera's" That would count as evidence. The sheriff does so, changing the perspective to a different camera. Again, you spot Matt but he was still facing away.

"Wait, stop, see there's Matt again"

"You mean there's the back of his head again" Noah corrects.

Stiles falls, "Okay, but look he's talking to someone." You watch as a nurse comes into view. It was Melissa.

"He's talking to my mum"

Scott than jumps for his phone, calling the woman. If Melissa could say she spoke to Matt than that would be evidence. Melissa admits to having seen the boy after Scott sent her a photo of Matt.

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