A Promise to the Dead

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Based of : 4x11
Words : 1655

It was the middle night, but that didn't stop your phone from ringing

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It was the middle night, but that didn't stop your phone from ringing. You twist and turn in your bed, begging for the ringing to stop. It didn't. Instead, it started to ring again and again and again. Whoever it was, they best have a good excuse to be calling you at this time. Maybe they did as you saw Liam's name coming through your phone. What was wrong?

"Liam? What's going on?" You question as your hands go to turn your light on.

He hesitates to speak at first, "Could you come round?" It was the middle of the night and he wanted you to go to his house?

"You do realise what time it is right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, you're right. Forget I asked" He sounded shaken and as if he rushing to get his words out. Something was wrong. He just hadn't told you.

"Liam? What's really going on?" You ask him.

You hear the boy sigh through the phone. "I can't sleep" You couldn't just ignore him. You weren't that bad of a person.

"I'll be over as quick as I can" You tell him before ending the call.

It wouldn't be your first time helping someone through the night. Almost every night you stayed at Stiles after he went under the water. Maybe you could use that to help Liam. But Stiles was different. What worked for him, might not work for Liam. Either way, you weren't going to leave him alone tonight.

It also wasn't the best idea to drive in the dark, or on lack of sleep. You knew you wouldn't be become Liam's 24/7 sleep therapist. You needed your sleep too. Despite that, you were able to get to him without crashing.

The boy was sat at the end of his bed as he looked down at a video game. Maybe that's why he couldn't get to sleep. "If you think i came here to play video games with you, you were deeply mistaken" You start to grab his attention.

"Sorry" He pauses, "For, you know, calling" You had found that little bit adorable.

"No, it's fine." You say as you sit down next to him. "Why can't you sleep then?" He doesn't answer you, at least not straight away. Something was up with him. Something he was obviously hiding. You move slightly closer to the boy, leaning so he had to look at you. "Liam, whatever it is, you know you can tell me."

He finally turns to meet your eyes, "It's been happening since the first time I saw them" Who's 'them'? You don't ask, as he answers it before you could. "The Berserker's. It's like every time I close my eyes it's there, or even just in the dark. I know it's not there but it feels real." He was seeing things then. That's why he couldn't sleep. His body would be to high of alert that it wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

"Sound's terrifying." You comment. I mean you would be. He was seeing creatures twice the size of you. You had tried to fight them, they were strong. "Liam" You begin as you hold his hand in your, "I know it's hard but you have to remind yourself that they're not real. You know me and Scott would never let them hurt you, right?"

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