The dark moon

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Based of : 4x01
Words : 4075

You were in Mexico to get Derek

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You were in Mexico to get Derek. Scott had learnt of his disappearance after you had saved Stiles. He had also asked you and Lydia to see whether you could find him, or find out whether he was dead. You weren't sure if he was dead or not. However, the bullet's Scott had brought had a very detailed mark. A hunter's mark. A group of hunters based in Mexico. Which could now explain why you were here.

It was club, mostly filled with drunken teenagers. You didn't quite understand why a group of hunters would hide behind a club. Maybe it was a way to cover up what was hiding underneath. Either way, it was perfect for the four of you. You, Malia, Scott and Kira were all able to blend in with everyone else. Not drawing any attention to yourselves.

Well, that was until you spotted two people. There was a woman and man, both dressed in black. They weren't apart of the club's staff. Probably on the hunters side of this. They walked around, looking over the teens. Most likely, looking for you. You glance at Malia, her eyes having already noticed the two people.

By the sounds of it, Kira had too. "Something's happening" She says as she joins you and Malia.

"I know" Malia answers as she continues to dance.

"What do we do?" Stick to the plan, right?

"Blend in" You tell Kira as the three of you stood right in the middle of the dance floor. Probably wasn't the best place to be standing. Kira just watches, not moving. You look up at Malia, the two of you thinking the same thing. She had no idea what to do.

"Dance, dumb ass" Malia speaks. Kira do so. Well, at least she tries to. She definitely wasn't the best dancer out there.

You tilt you head at Malia, trying to tell her that the two of you needed to do something. If you didn't, it was going to pretty obvious you weren't meant to be here. She understands what you were trying to say. It didn't take long until her hands landed on your waist, pulling you closer. Luckily, the whole two girl dancing thing had moved the attention away from Kira. The two of you let many eyes wonder as you dance.

Thought it didn't take long for it to end. The two people dressed in black were soon able to work out who we were. They began to move closer to you, "You see that?" You say to Malia as you gesture to the man behind her. The other woman then soon finds herself behind you. Your head moves to nod at Kira, telling her what was happening. She replies by taking her nunchucks out. You doing the same as you take out your ring dagger.

"Ready?" Malia whispers into your ear. You smirk at her before turning to the woman behind you. While Malia took on the man behind her, you and Kira took the other one together. She began by swinging her weapon around, making the woman move back to try and avoid getting hit. Though, as she turned, she was faced with you. You smile before kicking her back and using the back of your knife to hit her head. It hadn't taken long until both the woman and man were lying on the floor.

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