Creatures of the Night

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Based of : 5x01
Words : 4038

A/n - So a few people have asked about whether I would update this book again and while I stopped writing it awhile ago now, I've had some non-proofread drafts that I thought I may as well publish so :)

A/n - So a few people have asked about whether I would update this book again and while I stopped writing it awhile ago now, I've had some non-proofread drafts that I thought I may as well publish so :)

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It had been months now since anyone had tried to kill you. That was something you would always feel grateful for after what had happened. Yes, your wound still had yet to heal, but things were better. Much better. You and Stiles had fallen back into being friends even with the small moments you still shared. Either way, it was better than before. You were just happy that everyone else was. 

Still, you weren't sure as to why you were parked a top of a hill. The view was great but you had to go to the high school. Senior year. You were honestly just surprised you had made it this far. Let's just hope you survived this one.

"Alright so I found so cool three bed rooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive" Stiles begins from you side. You and Scott were sat on the hood of the jeep, letting your eyes view the city bellow you. Stiles, however, he was too busy looking at places to live. You weren't in a rush to be finding out which collage you were going to go to. You weren't even sure what you wanted to do yet. You should probably start thing about that soon since it is your future. "A couple in Haight and Ashbury. Also expensive."

You turn down to the boy, "Aren't they all going to be expensive?" You question. I mean you had never moved away from home before but you expected them to be. How were you even suppose to pay for it? You really needed to start thinking about your future. Maybe you would've be able to if you were fighting for your life for half of high school. 

"What about Berkely?" Scott suggests. They seemed to know a lot more about this than you did."Don't a lot of students live around there?"

"Yeah, yeah. We could try Nob Hill. But the jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches"

"You're bringing the jeep?" Scott sounded surprised. You weren't. This was Stiles and Roscoe you were speaking about. They had very intermite relationship.

A smirk raises to your lips, "You really asking that?" You ask Scott. 

The look of Stiles' face had already told you the answer. He cared very deeply for that piece of shit car. "You know the plan, okay? No one get's left behind. That's the plan"

"Because the jeep is a very real person" You comment making both you and Scott chuckle lightly. Although, Stiles didn't seem to find it funny. 

"She is got me through a lot okay" He defends like a child would. It had only made your's and Scott's smiles grow. "Look Lydia's not gonna have a problems getting into Stanford.  Kira's thinking USF. Malia's erm gonna ya know? She'll figure something out" You were in the same place as Malia. You had no clue where you were going in life. "The plan is perfect" 

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