- twenty two

163 9 8


i left benji's house that day exhausted but happier than i had been in a long time. his words kept repeating in my mind.

"i think i'm falling in love with you."

every time i think of it my heart jumps. i wasn't gonna rush anything i liked how it was going. i was content with what was happening. i unlocked the front door to my house and locked it behind me. My dad wasn't home which i expected but it still upsets me.

i slowly walked up the stairs to my bathroom in no rush. i loved how things were going i just didn't want them to go down the way they did with cameron.

for the first time i think things were going perfect and i don't know when they are going to get fucked up.

after a quick shower i was out cold. i couldn't remembered falling asleep. the tv was the first thing i scanned when i woke up.

are you still watching?

i lightly tapped around my bed looking for phone around my head. i felt the cold screen touch the back of my hand and i picked it up slowly turning it on. i ignored the time and went straight to my notifications.

- messages

benji <3
are you okay? i haven't heard from you in a while
2:03 pm

benji <3
2:24 pm

benji <3
2:48 pm

benji <3
i'm coming over
2:51 pm

- snapchat

from ryan

from hannah r.

from benji (:

from cameron

jamarcus added you as a friend. say hi!

- twitter

ryan tweeted:
pee is stored in the balls.

i liked ryan's tweet and turned off my phone i sat up n rubbed my eyes. i immediately jumped off my bed at the sight of benji opening my window.

"what the fuck you couldn't answer me?? i was scared you did something bad. i though you fucking hurt yourself." benji yelled at me as soon as he got into my room. i sat there frozen on the floor. i felt tears burning behind my eyes but i pushed them down.

"i'm sorry. i just woke up." i said quietly. he intimidated the life out of me i just sat there. we sat there just looking at eachother for a minute.

he got off the bed and hugged me. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you. i just get worried." 

i tightened my grip around him and he pulled me onto his lap on the bed. 

"baby your phone is going off."  he passed me my phone


"hey dad." i answered. still on benji's lap with my hand in his hair.

"hey kid i have some bad news."

"give it to me." i say moving my hand to benjis neck softly.

"i don't think i'm gonna make it home for thanksgiving hun."

"what. why?" i said quickly. dad has always been home for thanksgiving every year.

"its the job in north california. its taking longer than we though. it's playing a lot and we need the money mija. i'm sorry. i wish i could be home but we're running low. i can't even afford food to put on the table." i could hear the dread in his voice.

"it's okay dad. i know." i say softly.

"im so sorry mija. i have to go. i'm going as fast as possible."

"it's fine dad. i love you." i hung up before the rest.


"i heard." benji cut me off. "you can always come to our thanksgiving.

june 8, 2020
613 words

i've had no inspiration for two months there is a lot going on.

d ☁️

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