- nine

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i would be lying if i said that seeing them didn't hurt me. i did. it really fucking did. but i moved on. two weeks had gone by and it was friday. well actually it was the friday of the homecoming game. this whole week had been like a game of dress up and hype until a pep rally i would ditch on. this year i didn't feel like ditching.

this year i had a date.

and he was the wide receiver of the schools football team. cameron kelley . I had been snapping him for a while. almost like 7 months actually. only friendly stuff. but things changed and now we were closer.

he started sitting with us at lunch. and we started face timing. he even walked me home on tuesday. but in this moment we were walking to lunch together.

"can i ask you a metaphorical question?" cameron asked.

"rhetorical." i correct him.

"whatever. would you wear my jersey if i gave it to you?" he asked. i looked up at him smiling. "yeah."

"good. here." he passed me his away jersey. i passed him my backpack and tossed it on over my dark blue hoodie. white, dark blue, and silver. i hated our school most of the time but i loves to colors.

"thank you." i stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. we walked into the lunch room together crowded by girls in dotted face paint. we weaved through the crowds of people and made our way to our table. i stop confused when i see only one spot open and everyone staring at us. "uh. where's the extra spot?" i ask

"sorry kiana wanted to sit with us today." sophie explained. kiana just sat there staring at me.

"oh." i look up at cam and he grabs my hand walking over to the table and setting me on his lap. i laugh and everyone moves on from us at the table. the only thing i did realize scanning around the table quickly was benji eyeing me. we didn't talk since the party. i was a lot happier than i thought i was gonna be. and i was eating again. and i can admit that i had a problem. but i don't like to talk about it.

"i'm gonna go get food." cameron said softly into my ear kissing my temple. he slid out from under my leaving me alone in the seat.

"you guys are really cute together." maria said as he walked off. i blushed and looked at my feet.

"he's so good to me." i smile thinking about how fun and easy the past couple of weeks had been.

when he came back i got up so he could sit down. "so aleyia." sophie paused. "is cameron the guy you fucked at benjis birthday party?"

"huh?" i freeze still standing.

"yeah that was me." cam covers for me pulling me back onto his lap and pecking me on the lips. "and it was fucking great." i laugh into his chest. relieved. he really just saved my ass like that. i knew i would have to explain this one.

benji got up from his seat with his tray and walked off to throw out his things. i could tell he was mad. cameron tossed me a tater tot and i popped it in my mouth. "hey do you want chips?" i asked him pulling out my wallet while still chewing.

"you don't have to buy me chips i got it." he shook his head. "okay i'll get you chips." i stood up and ruffled his soft hair. let me just say i loved brown fluffy hair.

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