- two

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i woke up to the bright sun in my face. my usual hung over headache was mild, probably because i ran it off for at least a mile. i grabbed my phone and and a water bottle and made my way downstairs.

the house was dead silent as i trotted to the kitchen. i walked over to a note written on a little yellow lawyer like note pad.


i'm working a double tonight i'll be home around 8. i'll bring dinner. i left a 20 on the island for pizza.

- your super awesome father

i set looked down the kitchen island and found a 20 at the end. i grabbed it and stuck it into my phone case before grabbing a yogurt from the fridge and trotting back up to my bedroom.

after two seasons of the simpsons i heard a tap on my window that made me almost shit myself. i look over to see benji laughing.

i tease and lock the window. he pretends to look hurt and slid down the roof disappearing . i quickly unlock the window and stuck my head out for him to reach in and climb through landing on my bed.

"oo the simpsons." he says plopping onto my bed.

"what the hell?" i ask with a smile. "hm."

"you just broke into my house."

"no you let me in." he kisses me on the cheek and lays back on my little bed. i lay next to him and we watch my disney + together. his arm slid around my waist and we layed together.

i would love to date benji. but he's only here for the sex. it hurts me a little bit but it's the only way i can stay with him like this. and no one knows. we made a pact when it all started sophomore year not to tell a soul. my dad just thinks we're best friends.

i felt his hand make its way lower. and i knew why he came over. and i just let it happen.

i woke up an hour later. i stretched and looked around. benji was no where to be seen. the window was open letting in a breeze. i got out of bed still wrapped in my sheet and made my way to the bathroom. i stared at my reflection of my puffy lips and all of the marks he had left on my chest. i exhaled and sat on the toilet. i'm only sex to him.

i got up and thew on an old oversized hoodie given to me from ryan like two years ago. and shorts. i felt dumb. it wasn't normal for stuff like this. usually we would fuck and that would be that but i just felt used. and disgusting. if my dad knew what would he think? i sat in a chair too grossed out to be in bed and turned off the tv just looked at the window.

maybe i should have kept it locked. i looked at the back of my phone and remembered the 20 bucks from my dad and called for a pizza.

November 28, 2019
643 words

give thanks you ungrateful  bitches

d ☁️

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