A Hero's Day To Rest (End of Season 2 ep 15)

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He had broken both his arms and feet but with recovery girls powers and his own healing abilities he would recover quickly.

Akira was wheeled into class the next day. His classmates were worried but he assured them he'd be fine soon.

He then noticed his classmates were panicking about the exam.


Akira: Um can someone wheel me to my desk please.

Aizawa then informed everyone they'd all be going to the training camp and five students would have supplementary lessons.

Everyone agreed to go the mall together except Bakgou, Todoroki and Akira.

Akira: Yeah Sorry guys, I think I'll just spend tomorrow healing plus I'm not a fan of the mall.

Bakgou then found a large hat from the props department and pulled that over Akira's head and tied it to his face.


Bakgou grabbing the wheelchair and running out of class: I'm going to get revenge for that punch you damn loser!!!

Akira: HELP!!!! SOMEONE!!! ANYONE!!!! HELP!!!!

Midoryia trying to stop him: Stop Kacchan!

The whole class was concerned and ran out trying to stop him.

Akira later sat near the school entrance where Rumi would pick him up.

Rumi arrived and started laughing

Akira sat there in a dress and makeup with his face drawn on with a marker.

Akira: I understand the villains now.

Kyuen: I can't believe the girls in the class helped him do this to us.

Rumi was laughing on the ground before she helped Akira into the car and drove them home.

Akira: Delete those pictures!

Rumi: Nope you looked so cute in them.

Akira: This is my super villain origin story.

The next day Akira spent the day relaxing with Rumi.

Akira woke up the next morning with Rumi holding him.

Rumi smiling: Good morning Aki.

Akira smiled: Good morning Rumi.

Rumi helped Akira brush his teeth and eat breakfast.

Akira blushed: This is embarrassing.

Rumi: Hm take it easy tough guy. You've been in battle after battle recently and your bodies finally caught up. You need to get your rest or else you'll die you know. Since you've been working so hard and have gotten so strong I'll take care of you.

Akira blushing: Thank you.

Akira then blushed later when Rumi decided to give him a shower.

The two watched Tv together and just talked about everything that's happened. He explained all that he had learned and the friends that he had made.

Rumi: Your growing up fast Aki. Make sure to take the time to enjoy all the fun and adventure.

Akira smiling: I will.

Akira was distracted thinking about Stain. He was terrified of that guy, the way he talked and moved it reminded him of All might in a way.

Rumi: Aki are you ok? Your shaking.

Akira: I don't know.

Rumi: You had a nightmare again last night. You want to talk about?

Akira: I saw Stain and he was killing my friends. I couldn't move as he killed them. When I fought him he called me worthy but hearing that from someone like him it scares me.

Rumi hugged Akira and held him in her arms.

Rumi: It doesn't matter what that creep says, if he's in your dreams then I'll just beat the crap out of him in your dreams every night. Listen Aki there are allot of scary villains like that, you'll probably face more like that but your not alone. You have Kyuen, your friends and me. You don't need to be worthy in the eyes of a villain because in my eyes your more then that, your a hero.

Akira kisses Rumi.

Rumi blushes and then kisses Akira.

The two then fall asleep on the couch cuddling.

Rumi wakes up later and let's Akira sleep on her lap while she watched tv. Rumi then saw the news about a villain nearly attacking the mall.

News caster: A unnamed U.A. student was threatened and nearly attacked by a member of the league of villains. When questioned the police refused to comment. It is believed that the league of villains continues to grow in members after the recent attacks and impact of the hero killer stain, but rest assured the symbol of peace All might said he will stop these villains.

Rumi: Things are escalating, Aki you have a rough road ahead of you. I'll support you with everything I got!

Rumi then kissed Akira on the forehead.

Authors note: Hi it's me. I'm working on season 3 of the story currently but it may take awhile since each season gets a bit longer and longer. I appreciate the support and hope everyone is having a good day. :)

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