(part 1) Nightmares

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Joyce Byers had been having Nightmares about that dreadful night in Hawkins Lab for the past year, she would scream in the dead of night, toss, turn, but nobody could ever soothe her from her terrors, well besides for Hopper.  Will and Jonathan tried for an interminable amount of time to wake their mother up when Jonathan heard hopper's voice repeat something in his head from the last time he visited under these circumstances. "If she ever has a Nightmare again.., call me and ill handle it.., you got that boys?" as Jonathan and Will Nodded their heads. Jonathan saw no other choice so he ran to the living room and dialed the chief's number. ... ring... ring... "hello?" hopper's tired and groggy voice said from the other end, "hey.. its Jonathan.., mom is having a nightmare and she won't calm down.. can you help?" Jonathan said, "I'm on my way kid.." Hopper replied in a worried tone. 

    About fifteen excruciating minutes passed when the two very exhausted boys heard Hopper's gentle yet booming knock on their front door, they rushed to the door, relieved that this would finally stop. They opened it to find Hopper in an ocean blue sweater and checker print pajama pants. Weirdly enough, even though he looked exhausted, he still looked breathtaking. He greeted the boys with a warm bear hug, then walked down the Byers house hallway to find an asleep but sobbing and screaming Joyce. He sat next to her, pulled her small petite body in his arms and cuddled her until she finally stopped sobbing, and went back to a peaceful deep sleep in his arms. The boys, standing at the door looked shocked at how fast she went back to her usual quiet sleep in Hopper's arms and grinned at each other seeing the adorable pair cuddled up like a married couple. Then, surprising them all, Joyce murmured from her deep sleep.. "hopper.. you.... look... hot today....". Hopper's face went beet red in awestruck, instantly as he replayed what the beautiful woman, asleep in his arms had said. As the boys muffled their roaring laughter and, awes.  Will and Jonathan, already exhausted before any of this mess, decided to hit the hay and went back to their beds leaving Hopper with sleeping, Joyce. Hopper fought his urge to fall asleep as his eyelids were slowly getting heavier and heavier like a weight was being forced upon them, but finally gave up on the battle and kissed Joyce's forehead and fell asleep with her in his arms. 

After five more peaceful hours of sleep, Joyce awoke and instantly felt safe and sound as she looked at the man beside her, then her thoughts took over, "oh my god he slept in my bed!? Why is he here?! not that I mind.." she then smirked to herself. while lost in her thoughts she didn't notice him open his eyes. "you're staring", hopper groggily but flirtatiously said, causing Joyce's face to flush red instantly and butterflies to rise in her stomach. "o..  o.. o.. oh y.. your.. awake.." she stuttered, not knowing how to respond to his comment. Hopper rubbed her back and chuckled "you alright?" "yeah.. what do you want for breakfast?" "anything you make is amazing." hopper replied as he was stretching. Joyce then got up and hurried to the kitchen before the boys woke up. Hopper stood at the doorway watching her in awe as she somehow made the simplest task of cooking to look so perfect and graceful. Not knowing she knew he was staring, she mocked him "Your staring. are you gonna stare all day or are you going to tell me how you like your coffee?" "Can't help but stare at the beauty..., three creams four sugars please.." he replied like that on purpose, watching her facial expressions to see how she reacted, he was testing her. Her face went pink and then she smirked and sarcastically replied while staring into his eyes, "damn Hop you're a flirt this mornin'". He was lost for words. "BOYS... BREAKFAST!" she called out, then seconds later she heard the multiple little feet stomp across the hardwood floor. 

The four of them fixed their plates and sat down to eat their food. Mid meal, Will smugly says, "sooo.. mom.. do you remember what you said to Hop last night?' Hopper then gives Will the death stare and the "please don't go there" stare. Then, Joyce calmly replies " no.. what did I say?" Jonathan then smirks at Hop and Joyce notices as Will and Jonathan exchange glances and both say at the same time, "in your sleep, you said Hopper was HOT." Joyce red-faced and at a total loss for words looks over at Hopper and sees that he's also bright red and sweating profusely. Then, she says "well he is hot.." as those words come out of her mouth, Will and Jonathan's mouths drop and Hopper looks like he's formed into a red tomato. To make sure hopper isn't going to die of embarrassment, Joyce grabs Hopper's hand from under the table and reassuringly squeezes it. They all finish their meal in silence, Joyce, and Hop often giving each other smirks and glances.

After Breakfast the two boys head off for school, leaving Hopper and Joyce alone to watch TV. Joyce, nervously trying to start a conversation, says "wait.. wheres Jane..?" and then Hopper calmly replies, "At Max's". The two snuggle on the couch with Joyce's head on Hopper's chest. She could feel his warmth, his every breath, she could feel his heart slowly and peacefully beating, gosh.. he was kissable at the moment.., Joyce smirked after minutes of fighting the urge to kiss him and mumbled "screw it", and before Hopper could reply, her soft lips were on his, and all of the worries in the world went away... A kiss that makes you travel to the moon and back, a strong passionate kiss that makes you see stars, a kiss that everyone spends their whole life waiting for. After ten seconds that felt like a million breathtaking years, they pulled away, staring into each other's eyes, with a stare full of love and patience for the future, a stare that says the words that no longer need to be said... as the words have been said with meer physical contact. This was the opposite of a Nightmare, that kiss was a Daydream. 

AHHHHH I finished the first Part!!! this is my first fanfiction and I really wanted to bring out the passion and desire that both of the characters have in the fanfic. Please please please tell me what you think! :)   <3 

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