(Part 5) Love is in the air

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4 months later... and here they were, Jim was waiting nervously at the end of the aisle, flinching at every noise made near the door, his heart was pounding as he tried to collect himself from his nervousness and excitement. Moments later, the doors opened and his beautiful bride started slowly walking down the aisle in her gorgeous yet elegant sheath dress. Her hair was beautifully waved, and she was wearing stunning rose-colored lipstick. She looked ravishing. She gracefully walked up to the end of the aisle and stood to face her fiancé. They were lost in each other's eyes as the marriage officiant said his speech and then asked the final questions... "Jim Hopper.. do you take Joyce Byers to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the officiant asked. "I do" quickly said, without any hesitation. "Joyce Byers.., do you take Jim Hopper to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the officiant asked. "I do," Joyce said while flashing a  big smile. "I pronounce you, man and wife, you may kiss the bride." the marriage officiant said, smiling from ear to ear. Jim then pulled Joyce into a short-lived but passionate kiss to seal the deal. The room was then filled with claps and awes, mainly from the kids but the whole room was clapping. They then walked back down the aisle, hands intertwined, with El, Will, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve following behind them. Once, they made it to the next room they got many hugs and congratulations. Love was really in the air. 

2 months time skip--                                                                                                                                                               The Byers-Hopper family were packing up their things with the help of their friends so they could move to a bigger home in Hawkins, as it would better suit the family of 5. The boys were helping Will pack when Dustin grabbed a lighter and started running around the room like an idiot. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING DUMBASS?!" Lucas screamed as Dustin was roaring with laughter even though he was scaring the shit out of them. "HEY HEY HEYYYYYYY! STOP THAT NOW YOU SHITHEAD." Steve yelled while yanking the lighter from Dustin and then giving him a bop on the head. The other three boys started giggling, "what'd you do that for you jerk?" Dustin exclaimed, pouting that Steve had taken his lighter away, "to save our asses because if you burn the house down its getting blamed on ME and hopper will kill me so DONT DO THAT." Steve said while chuckling, over the past 3 years he had become the mom of the group, constantly having to keep the kids out of trouble. He especially had a close bond with Dustin, who really looked up to Steve, and his "smooth" moves on girls. Soon, the boxes were all packed and many years of their family were packed away into one moving truck, ready to start many more. Joyce and Jonathan got into the moving truck, Hopper, El, Max and Will got into Joyce's green Pinto and Steve, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin got into Hopper's tan Blazer, all following behind the enormous moving truck.

15 minutes later, they arrived at their new 2 story home, around 7 houses away from the Wheeler's residence. "Wait.., this is like 5 minutes away from my house!" Mike excitedly screeched, "Yup! That's why we chose it." Joyce grinned, then she stood on her tiptoes to give Hop a kiss on the cheek. Hopper then pulled her into a bear hug and kissed the top of her head. "I love you," Hopper whispered, smiling, "I love you too" Joyce whispered back, then they walked to the kids, who were looking at their new home in awe, and they brought them into a big group hug. They later started unpacking and choosing their rooms, El and Will got the upstairs bedrooms, while Jonathan got the downstairs bedroom and Hop and Joyce got the master bedroom. The party first started unpacking El's stuff and decorating her new room, then the next day they started on Will's and Jonathan's after a few weeks they were finally moved in and unpacked, so they hosted a dinner at their new home, Inviting the Wheelers, the Hendersons, Lucas and Erica, and Max. Actually, dinner turned into the kids playing while the adults ate, because the kids were so excited to play that they scarfed down their food and started chasing each other around the house. 

"You two lovebirds planning on having children?" Karen grinned, "KAREN!.."  Joyce screeched while laughing "you don't ask someone that," Joyce continued, giggling "I'm okay with whatever she wants." Hop said, smiling, giving Joyce a kiss on the cheek. The parents all continued their conversation but they soon heard a "WHAT THE F- DON'T YOU DARE! STOPPPPP" from upstairs "what is it this time?" Joyce and Claudia both said in unison, rushing upstairs, they walked into El's room to see Mike floating with a toy in his hand and the other few kids, besides for El, (who was very obviously trying to help him get away with the toy) trying to reach for the toy. "EL STOP HELPING HIMMMMMMMMM" Dustin screeched, "mouthbreather" El joked, slowly levitating Mike above the bed and dropping him. Mike laughed as he hit the soft bed "Wowww! that was fun!" Mike yelled. Then El started lifting Dustin, who then started screeching and squirming like a worm, El started making him do little flips and twists and turns, as the others roared with laughter as Dustin struggled and was screeching. El then dropped Dustin on the bed, just as she had thrown Mike. She then started levitating everyone else and doing the same thing, one by one. The parents had all gathered by the door, observing, by now, and were giggling along with their kids. After a few minutes, El had finished flipping and levitating the children and decided to mess with the adults, so she lifted up Joyce, who was shocked but laughing, and dropped her onto the bed. "You deserved that" Hop joked, but was brought out of his laughter when El started making him fly towards the bed, "kid please let me down" Hop chuckled, as he was let down onto the bed next to Joyce. "oh no thank you, I don't wanna fly, today," Karen said chuckled as she and Claudia went back downstairs to finish their coffee, soon followed by Hop and Joyce. 3 Hours later, the parents left and the kids stayed over for a sleepover. Jonathan and Nancy stayed in his room, Max and El stayed in El's room, and The boys stayed in Will's room. They were quickly all asleep and Hopper and Joyce sat on the couch, cuddling as they drifted off to sleep, ready to start their new life with each other. 

a/n: I need suggestions :))

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