(part twelve) kamchatka

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Murray, Joyce and El nodded in unison to the group of U.S military that was hidden in the woods. Whom they would contact when they found Hopper. Since Hopper was held captive and he was a U.S. citizen the military was there to keep everyone safe and sound as they retrieved Hopper, one push of a radio button on their walkie talkies and over 200 U.S. troops would storm the building. Joyce's hair blew in the wind as they descended down the helicopter latter in their Russian uniforms. Joyce, using her crafting skills had made El an exact replica of the uniform. They hastily started walking towards the giant building, exchanging looks instead of words.

The trio came across three soldiers once they had entered the building. "кто ты?" the tallest man questioned, "новобранцев, они призвали больше охранников." Murray answered as they stepped aside, allowing Joyce and El to pass by with Murray. They passed by at least a hundred soldiers before they got to the rows of dark prison cells. Surprisingly, no guards were near them. "Hopper?" They all questioned, hitting on different cell doors until they heard one who didn't respond in Russian. El peered through the little hole in the door. "Jane?" the rough looking man questioned from inside. "DAD!" El attempted to keep herself together, not wanting to attract the attention of any 7 foot tall Russian guards. "Is it..?" Joyce questioned El and Murray. Joyce's heart started beating faster than ever before. "Can you unlock it?" Murray questioned, obviously growing impatient and wanting out of a Russian prison. It was very clear that hospitality wasn't their best sport. "yes" El answered, and immediately they heard the door's lock shake and crack, opening the door a few inches from movement.

The door was pulled open on the opposite side to reveal a very tiny looking Jim. "dad.." El cried, running into his arms followed by Joyce who gave him a kiss on the cheek while trying not to sob. "okay let's get you out of here." Murray said, exchanging looks with El and Joyce who nodded for him to press the button. "beep" the button made a noise around 1 second after he had pressed it. 5 seconds passed "GO GO GO!" They heard in the distance. Within seconds they saw a door being kicked in and they were running towards the exit while being protected on every side by military. The older of the military troops, Jim recognized. They were the youngest recruits when he was getting ready to quit the military. He gave them nods as they ran outside Into the snowy land that surrounded the base and onto the helicopter latter one by one. Each greeting Owens as they took off.

El was curled up beside Hopper, sound asleep in the back of the helicopter as they were flying through the cold air. He slowly and carefully moved her into a more comfortable position with a kind of thin pillow. "how'd you do it?" Joyce questioned, bringing him out of his zone. "do what?" he replied, half knowing what she was referring to. "you saw El in the void. how?" Joyce stared into his eyes. "to be honest.. when interrogating me they kept giving me shots. I thought they were to make me answer but all I can do is go into the void, I can't move stuff. Well I don't think I can.." he answered. She nodded and he applied all of his focus to a pen that was lightly resting in Murray's hand as he was asleep. Slowly the was able to bring to pen towards him and into his hand. Owens peered through the mirror at the exact same time. "holy shit.." He and Joyce both said in unison, hoping no one had seen what he did. "hey can we maybe.. not tell the kids about me having powers too..? I'd rather not make too much of a change for them and I don't know if I like having them anyways.." he asked and Joyce nodded, giving him a kiss and a tight hug. "I'm glad your back.." Joyce managed to get out before she fell asleep in his arms. "me too honey.. I love you." he sighed, holding her as he also fell asleep, often saying the name "Joy" in his stirs.

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