(Part 4) Stolen

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Joyce's life continued like this for two love filled years with many more to come . If you asked her 10 years ago what love was, she wouldn't have had an answer because this was the first time she had truly been in love. Though it still shocks her to her core, she never would have thought that Police Chief Jim Hopper would've stolen her heart. "I thought that police men weren't supposed to steal" she thought to herself grinning. The idea of marriage had come up many times throughout their relationship, but as both of them were terrified to ruin their relationship, they always changed the subject. But today, Jim Hopper was standing in a jewelers shop with Karen Wheeler, contemplating what ring to buy the love of his life. He only brought Karen into this because she would know what Joyce would love, as they had been best friends for years. Karen secretly always knew Jim had a thing for little Joycie. As she had caught him gawking at her multiple times since high school. Throughout their relationship, Hopper had confided in Karen multiple times throughout him and Joyce's ups and downs, making sure he made the right move. She had always given the best advice.

30 minutes later, which felt like ten hours to Karen he chose a simple yet elegant diamond ring. Just thinking of the endless possibilities of how this could end, Jim started freaking out, naming every possible scenario in his head. His palms were sweaty and he was pacing around the mall. He wasn't hiding his stress very well. "Jim. She loves you. Every time I talk to her, your the first thing that comes up. She adores you. You guys are meant together. There's nothing to worry about." This very obviously soothes some of his stress. But he couldn't stop thinking of the "what ifs". He held the soft navy blue box in his hand, imagining how perfect a forever with Joyce would be. He wanted to make her smile everyday. He thrived to heal her from Lonnie's physical and mental abuse.
He remembered the first time he called her beautiful and her reaction.., they were at the mall and she was picking out a dress for a holiday party. She stepped out from the fitting room in a beautiful dark plum colored dress, that hugged her figure and revealed a little, but left a good bit to the imagination. Hopper didn't have words to describe how perfect she was. He just sat there, admiring her.. once he had the courage to say "Joyce.. wow.. you look.. stunning.. I mean.. you look.. beautiful.." she immediately was brought to tears, as she hadn't felt this loved in years. All Lonnie had done over the many years they were together was call her terrible things, "pig", "slut", "ugly", "fat", "Go on a diet pig!". And it had made her self esteem sink farther down than the titanic. As soon as he had seen her crying, he jumped up and gave her a bear hug and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry for what he did to you.., you didn't deserve that. I want to make you happy and show you what you deserve" hearing those words made her sniffle and stare into his eyes, smiling bigger than he had ever seen her smile before.

(Time skip: a month)
Hop was more nervous than he'd ever been. Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach, he was sweating, and pacing. As he usually does when he's stressed. He was supposed to propose today. He had planned the whole thing out. They were going to the park, he was going to disappear and then reappear behind her with flowers and then he's going to bend down on one knee, and ask the question that would change their lives forever.
They soon arrived at the park, he had gone there earlier in the day to set up where the flowers would be placed. They started walking around, skipping rocks in the pond, feeding birds.. just doing couple things. When Jim suddenly disappeared from Joyce's sight, "weird.." she mumbled under her breath "where did he go?" Suddenly she heard his voice come from behind her, "Joyce Byers.., I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me weak in the knees and you make my heart flutter. You made me into a better man, you showed me what it meant to love again. I figured out why my relationship with Diane never worked.., it was because I missed you.. you were constantly on my mind.. ever since I met you in the 8th grade, I found myself studying your habits and your ways of life like a book. How you like your coffee, your favorite color, your flower preferences, how you decorate stuff, your lucky pen, and every cute quirk and habit you have. Your so unique, beautiful, and stunning. Your the strongest woman I've ever met. You have stolen my heart Byers.. I'm glad you came back into my life because if it weren't for you.., I wouldn't have our amazing family. What I'm trying to say is.. Joycie.. Will You Marry Me?"
Hopper stayed kneeled down, tears forming in his eyes as he was terrified that he wouldn't ever get a response. What felt like hours to him was actually mere seconds. She jumped at him, giving him the tightest hug ever and a strong and passionate kiss that gave him his answer straight away. "Yes, Yes, Yes!" She squealed while crying pure tears of happiness. Multiple people in the park whooped and hollered to show their support. Jim had another surprise up his sleeve though, within seconds she was greeted by Jane, Will, and Jonathan giving her a tight hug and congratulating the couple. "Dad.., will Joyce be my mom?" El innocently questioned. "Yes.. yes she will El" Hopper replied with his voice cracking because he was holding back tears. His family was finally completed, and it was perfect. He couldn't ask for anything better. Hop never expected to get a hug from Jonathan, because Jon always been hesitant to accept their relationship, because he didn't want to see his mom hurt again. But there he was, hugging Him. "Thank you for treating her well hop.. and for making her happy" Jonathan shyly thanked Hop. "She deserves it" Hopper smiled, observing his perfect family, ready for many more years of caring for them and loving them.

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