(part 8) bad cop good cop

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After three excruciating months of training and hard work, Joyce Hopper was now a cop at Hawkins P.D. Joyce was very tired of her job working in retail, so she decided to change her life for the better and start a job that would make her happy. At many times she thought that she needed to give up and just go back to Melvads but she stopped herself and pushed through it, that was the best decision of her life. Today was the first day of her job, and her husband had assigned her to be his partner since he was the chief of police after all. Joyce stood in the mirror for a lengthy amount of time, staring at herself, her scars, and how every wrinkle, scar, and blemish told her story. She held her new uniform in her hands, it was very similar to Powell and Callahan's uniforms but had a few differences since she was a rank above them.

 Hopper was in the shower, humming his favorite song when he heard Joyce sniffling, he peaked out of the curtain to see Joyce in her uniform. It fit her every curve and edge perfectly, and she looked stunning in it. "What's wrong babe?" Hop worryingly questioned, "Nothing.., these are happy tears honey.. don't worry, are you ready for work?" Joyce said, smiling at her reflection in awe. Hopper stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel and came behind her and hugged her. "Not gonna lie.. you look hot as fu-" Hopper managed to get out before Joyce elbowed him the stomach. "Owie, where did softy Joycie go?" Hopper chuckled, changing into his tan uniform. "nowhere baby," Joyce smiled before giving him a gentle peck on the lips. She started heading out of the bathroom when she noticed he was bent down and decided to mess with him. Right before she twisted the door handle she smacked his ass and ran out of the bathroom roaring with laughter as he stumbled trying to chase her while attempting to put on his shoes. "I'll get you back Joy" Hopper growled while trying his hardest not to laugh. "We'll see about that." Joyce laughed. 

A few minutes later El and Will emerged from their rooms, Jonathan didn't also awake because he was in New York for college. "Woah mom you look... wow" Will said, at a total loss for words. "You look pretty.." El smiled, as the group leaned in for a hug. "Okay kids we are off to work, Will.. make sure to get to school on time and El the computer is in the living room for your homeschooling," Hop said as they started walking towards the door. "Bye Mom! Bye, Dad!" the two kids yelled as they shut the door. "D-D-D-Did.. Will just call me... d-dad..?" Hop mumbled to himself, smiling. Joyce's mind was also racing, with the same thoughts that Hopper had but roles reversed. El had called her mom. Joyce smiled to herself proudly. Today was already a great day.

The day was actually very calm, other than the fact that a bird attacked Eleanor Gillespie's daughter's head because it thought it was a nest, and Joyce had to pry the bird off while Hopper laughed. Bad hair really does run in that family he thought to himself smirking, Joyce said she wanted to handle their first call on her own, but it was very obvious that at the moment she wasn't too sure of that. The bird finally flew off and Joyce sighed in relief. The mother-daughter duo were not the happiest but headed home. Joyce jumped in the passenger's seat of the tan blazer and Hopper started laughing at her. "what?" Joyce asked, confused as heck. "bird wrestler." Hopper stated while pulling off. "Love you too, honey" Joyce laughed, she already loved her new job.

When the couple got home Joyce was immediately asked, "How was work?" multiple times by Will and El. "Guess what kids" Hopper stated, "Your mom wrestled a bird off of someone's head today." Hopper chuckled, as the kids erupted in laughter "we know, a video of it was on the news!" Joyce's face went red as she immediately rushed to the T.V and sure enough, there was a video of her wrestling the bird with the headline, "first-day bird wrestling for new Hawkins P.D cop" Joyce facepalmed and said, "I'm never leaving the house again." while the whole house roared with laughter. This was going to be one heck of an afternoon...

The next day while Hop and Joyce were on patrol they got a call from Flo that Lonnie Byers was at the station waiting for Hop. Joyce's heart immediately sank. "Let's go see what this son of a bitch wants.." Hopper sighed. Joyce felt tears prickling in her eyes. "Please don't go before we know why he's there... I don't want him to hurt you and I have to proceed to beat the living hell out of him." Joyce whimpered. "hey Flo what is Lonnie there for?" Hop questioned, obviously not the happiest that he has to see that douche. "He says he has to finish some business." Flo radioed, just as confused herself. They pulled off, driving back to the station.

Lonnie was waiting in Hopper's office when they arrived so they mutually agreed it was best that both of them went in. They walked into the office and they were immediately greeted with a very drunk Lonnie. "hey pig.. hey SLUT" Lonnie angrily said, obviously slurring his words a lot. "What'd you call my wife?" Hopper spat back, obviously fuming with anger. Lonnie ran towards Hop attempting to attack him when Joyce jumped in front of him. She then sucker-punched him which left Lonnie spinning but still wanting a fight. He came at her when she kicked him in the balls, then flipped him around and slammed his head on the desk. "You listen to me you son of a bitch, you try to hurt me, or my family ever again and you won't see daylight. You understand?" Joyce barked at him while handcuffing him. Hopper watched in awe as she dragged Lonnie out of the office by his ear and threw him to Callahan and Powell who then arrested him for assaulting a police officer and DUI. She marched back into the office, gave Hopper, who was still shocked and VERY impressed a kiss and then lit a cigar. "Hey he got what he deserved., also.. I am never going to mess with you because you are.. scary" Hopper chuckled and Joyce gave him a wink. "Ya know.. I came into this thinking I'd be the bad cop and you'd be good cop but.. hell...after that crazy shit you just did, your bad cop." Hopper said and laughed and kissed the crown of Joyce's head. "I love you," Joyce said, staring into Hop's eyes. "I love you more," he replied, kissing the tip of her nose.

A/N  I need suggestionssssssss!  writer's block got me :(

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